Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

“Marley! Marley wake up!”

I groaned pulling my blanket over my head trying to block out the annoying voice from above.


The blanket was ripped from my hands and I pulled my pillow over my head. Why couldn’t she just let me sleep??

“Marley just wake up already! I need to talk to you!”

“Bella just let me sleep!” I snapped glaring at my sister. Sitting up, I checked the clock then rose my eyebrow. 6:26 am... It was six in the morning... On a weekend... “It’s six in the morning what the hell do you need?!”

I snatched my blanket back from her. I was not a fan of waking at ungodly hours. That was just not my thing.

“Edward and I are going to his house tomorrow...” She gasped out and I shot up out of my bed, eyes wide.

Ignoring the fact that I was only in a tank-top and shorts I sprinted to her room and started rummaging through her closet.

“What are you doing??” Bella hissed knowing that Charlie was still awake. If he knew that we were up he would get suspicious. If he got suspicious then he would question us. If he questioned us he would figure out that I was dating Jasper and her Edward.

Pulling out her blue top and a pair of jeans I grinned widely. This was perfect! Throwing them to her I also grabbed a hairband and called it good.

“This is what you’re wearing today! Now, remember that Rosalie can be a bit...bitter at first but just ignore her. Emmett is a teddy bear despite his size and please go easy on-” A cool hand was placed on my shoulder and I spun around to see Edward smirking at me.

“There’s no need for that you’re just going to make Bella nervous. Now, why don’t you go get dressed yourself. Jasper’s waiting for you.” He laughed shooing me out of the room.

Despite the fact that he was treating me like a little kid, I did as he was told and found Jasper lying on my bed, my Nintendo DS in his hands. The confusion on his face as he pressed buttons wildly was just adorable.

Jumping onto my bed, I cuddled into his side then looked at what he was playing... Pokemon. Of course.

“You realize that fire Pokemon are weak against water Pokemon right...” I snorted as he was getting his ass whooped. 

He grunted slightly, keeping his eyes on the game. Laughing, I yanked the consul out of his hands and closed the device despite his protests.

“You do realize that humans are weak against vampires right...?” He purred mockingly and spun us around so that I was pinned underneath him gently.

My squeal got cut off as he crashed his lips against mine and I couldn’t help but to melt, ceasing my struggling. Jasper was more perfect then what I first thought...

When his lips finally released mine I was lying there panting.

“It’s a shame that you have to breathe...” he mused and let me go, laying back down so that he was at my side.

Rolling my eyes I flicked him on the cheek. Though I knew that it wasn’t going to do anything I did it anyways.

“Oh make fun of the human why don’t you.” I laughed then ran a hand through my hair, trying to tame it to no avail.

Finally catching my breath, I pulled my DS out from under my covers and grinned at Jasper. 

“Want me to teach you how to play Pokemon -correctly?” I teased and he nodded despite himself.

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