Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I sat curled up in the chair across from Jasper with a grin on my face as I took a sip from my coffee.

I wasn’t expecting for him to take me to his place. I expected for him to take me to some cafe or somewhere. His house was just fine though. Everyone was out so it was just the two of us.

With that...My feelings for Jasper were getting stronger. The fact that his mere presence was able to calm me down was enough but... his souther drawl and how he was quiet yet sweet... I liked him.

I liked him and it was embarrassing.

A part of me screamed that I didn’t deserve him. That I was a burden and would drag him down. That was the logical part of me.

My heart craved him though and it worried me. He was going to hurt me if we got together and it wasn’t going to be pretty.

Why would he like me anyways? He was so perfect and I was... I was so broken.

“Darlin’? You alright?” I jerked out of my thoughts and blinked to see Jasper smiling at me crookedly.

My heart stuttered a bit at this and I blushed, wrapping my good arm around my legs.

“Sorry I spaced out a bit...” I murmured embarrassed and in a moment that was gone. What was wrong with my emotions?

There must have been something wrong with me... I mean... I was comfortable with Jasper and we didn’t talk much. We didn’t hang out really besides lunch that one time yet why... why did I trust him?

“Marley...” He started, his expression turning into a serious one. “I have to tell you something.”

A thousand thoughts ran through my head at that statement. Was it going to be something bad? What was he going to tell me? What I heard was not what I expected though...

“You... something about you draws me towards you...and I don’t know what it is.’’ he stated and I couldn’t help but to laugh at the look of confusion on his face. Jasper didn’t seem like the type of guy who liked to be confused so this was just too good.

He relaxed at my laughter and I pushed his words to the back of my mind. I would worry about that later.

We continued to sit there talking about lighter topics before I decided to go home. I was in love with their open home yet I knew that Charlie would want me home before dinner.


Those golden eyes.

Even if Jasper was “drawn to me” as he said, I knew that we couldn’t be together. It wasn’t for my own good but for his own. I was too broken for Jasper. I had to many scars and if anything... I didn’t deserve to have someone as perfect as him.

Others seemed to think so too. As school dragged on I grew closer to Jasper more than any of the other Cullen’s. He helped calm me down and that was something I cherished more than anything else.

For some reason he put up with me. A reason that I couldn’t really comprehend. I was in the grade under him and a few years younger but even then.. he seemed to be okay with me.

One of the best things about him was that he helped keep my emotions sane which was something I desperately needed but then I realized how much more it was. I was falling for Jasper Hale. And I was falling hard.


I was laying on my couch with my head on Jasper’s lab. Doctor Who was playing on our television and he was reading the third Harry Potter which I pretty much forced him to read. Sure he was one of my best friends but I wasn’t going to let him live without reading the Harry Potter series just one time. That was one of our rules.

I was enjoying this probably way too much. Bella was off at La Push beach with a few other friends. While she invited me, I wasn’t going to crash her night with her friends. Charlie was fishing with a few friends from La Push so I invited Jasper over to hang out. And to make sure that he was actually reading the books.

“Darlin’...” Jasper put the book down causing me to roll my eyes yet I kept my eyes trained on my TV.

I loved Doctor Who. None of the rest of the Cullen’s really understood my obsession with it though Jasper did put up with it and was quiet while I watched it. That I was thankful for.

“You’re supposed to be reading so hush.” I laughed placing my hand over his mouth.

Rolling his eyes, he pulled me up from my lying position and made it so that I was sitting next to him but we were facing each other. I could feel a serious conversation coming on so I muted the television and pulled my legs up.

“Over time I have realized that my feelings for you have developed into something more than ‘just friends’ and I want to date you but if we do date...we cannot have secrets between the two of us.” He stated.

I blinked slowly.

He...wanted a relationship? More than... I’m sorry what? Slowly I nodded and he swallowed thickly growing nervous. I couldn’t help but to get nervous myself. What was he going to tell me?

“ and I are... not normal..” He stated.

I rolled my eyes at that statement. My nerves were calmed. I could tell that they were not normal so there wasn’t much need for that. I mean they were all so perfect and they never ate. Whenever I visited their house none of them ate and they never did at lunch either. It weirded me out because I’m pretty sure that Emmett would normally eat a lot by his size.

“We are vampires.” He murmured.

I let that information sink in for a moment.



Okay... Vampires I could deal with. I mean I knew that they were different so... why not vampires.


I shrugged slightly not sure what I was supposed to say. Looking at him I knew that he feared the worse.

Should I scream and run away? Accept it? Ask him if he was going to suck my blood? What was I supposed to do?

“Does that mean that Buffy is real too?”

The question slipped from my mouth before I knew what had happened. He threw me an exasperated look then laughed shaking his head.

“Out of all the questions that you could ask that’s the one that you ask? You truly are something else.”

I couldn’t help but to blush at his statement. Annnddd I had to ask the most unrelated question in the world. Should I have asked him if he was going to suck my blood? Eh that was the most logical question. Of course that was the one that I didn’t ask.

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