Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

When I woke up, I immediately knew that today wasn’t going to be a good day. Everything was covered in a layer of snow and ice was all over the driveway. While I wasn’t as clumsy as Bella, I was had my moments and I knew that it was going to be difficult to walk.

I kept my head rested on the kitchen table as both Charlie and Bella entered the kitchen. Both asked me if I were okay in which I gave a small groan in response. My head was throbbing and over all I didn’t feel well.

For once in my life I just wanted to feel okay.

“Have you taken your medication today...?” Bella asked the moment Charlie left.

I gave a half shrug though I hadn’t and she ran her hand through my hair. After another moment I decided that it was time to get up. Despite the pain in my head I knew that it was time to go to school.

Bella drove surprisingly well in the snow and when we got to school we were quickly informed why. Charlie had put snow chains on her wheels which was extremely sweet of him.

A high-pitched screech broke me out of my thoughts and I was about to turn around and before I knew it... I was on the ground.

“Marley... Marley.” I blinked a few times and looked up into the gold eyes of Jasper Hale. I tried to get up yet cursed as a harsh pain went through my arm. I was about to look down when a cool hand grasped my chin.

“You don’t want to do that.” Jasper murmured his face extremely close to mine.

I couldn’t help myself and my eyes strayed to his lips. Those lips... they were about as perfect as he was. I was about to lean in when the screaming started.

Jasper got up from me stiffly and left me on the ground, disappearing before anyone could see him. I stared after him shocked and then looked back down at my arm.

The whole thing was bloody and torn up. Road rash. I swallowed bile that was starting to rise in my throat then got to my feet, staggering slightly. Looking around I saw Bella and Edward slowly get up from in between one of her friends’ and her own.

Strangers grabbed onto me, trying to get me to sit down. I shooed them off, grabbing my bloody arm and holding a cloth to it that someone gave to me.

When the EMTs came, I was shoved onto a stretcher along with Bella and her friend. I was starting to get dizzy probably from the blood loss and despite the situation I started to laugh a bit.

The EMT that was taking care of my pretty much useless arm gave me an odd look and I shrugged slightly still grinning.

“I’ve always been a klutz.” I smiled only to get an eye roll in return.

By the time we got to the hospital I had to swallow my anxiety. I hated hospitals. They were never fun for me because the doctor would see scars...and question it. I hated questions about my scars.

After I was finally settled in a bed across from Bella, a nurse was covering my arm in some sort of paste that was making my arm go numb so that they could fix my hand. Apparently my fingers weren’t supposed to bend that way...

I watched with mild interest as Edward stood in front of Bella and then a doctor walked into the room. Just from one look at him I could tell that he was a Cullen. Dr Cullen talked to Bella for a little bit before turning to me, a soft smile on his face.

“And you must be the other Swan girl.” he smiled then took a seat, examining my now numb arm.

“Marley Swan at your service.” I grinned back. I would have offered my hand but considering the fact that it was hanging uselessly at my side, I couldn’t really do that.

“I’m going to reposition fingers right now. You may feel some pain while I’m doing this.” He smiled slightly and grabbed onto my hand. “Alice talks about you a lot I must say.”

I blushed as he said that. I knew that Alice was a talkative girl but honestly? Did she have to tell everyone about me?

“She does seem to like you a lot.” He continued and I winced. Even though the majority of my right arm was numb I could still feel the pain. “Sorry... Anyways she says your quite the artist. My wife is big into interior design too, though that isn’t really the same. Jasper has taken a liking to you as well. He isn’t fond of most people but-”

“Dad. I don’t think Jasper wants you telling her that.” 

Edward appeared over Dr Cullen’s shoulder with a slightly amused look on his face. At this Dr Cullen laughed and then started to bandage my arm. As soon as he was done, he gave me a bottle of pills and a sling. 

“Now, I don’t want to embarrass you or anything but do your parent know about...” Dr Cullen glanced at my wrist and my expression immediately turned sour. I hated having this conversation.

“Yes sir. I’m already on antidepressants too.” I stated then got to my feet. I probably seemed rude pushing away from Dr Cullen but I just wanted to get out of there.

In my haste, I found myself in some random hallway and ran right into Jasper Hale. His eyes darkened as he looked at my arm. As soon as his hands made contact with my skin, calmness waved over me yet again. All of the bitterness towards his dad and my scars disappeared and for that I was grateful.

Something about his presence just put me at ease and... I couldn’t help but to be drawn to it.

“I’m sorry about what happened...” He murmured and I gave him a smile.

“It’s fine... I don’t remember much anyways.” I shrugged and he gave me a confused look which I shrugged off.

I suppose he never really had to deal with that. I blocked out most of my bad experiences, locked them away till later so that I didn’t have to deal with them right away. While I had been told multiple times that it was an awful thing to do yet it was something that I did anyways.

We stood there in silence for a moment. My heart fluttered as I realized that he still had his hands on my shoulders as if to hold me up. Blushing I pulled away. For a moment I saw a flicker of disappointment on his face which was gone in a moment.

“I know that you should probably be resting... but would you like to hang out...?” He asked hesitantly.

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