Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"And now we are home! I of course have been keeping an eye on you and Bella of course and that's why we thought that Bella had died. I mean honestly-" Alice continued to talk as I stared at Jasper- who was staring at me.

Neither of us had said anything and this of course caused some tension in the house. I wasn't even sure as to what I was going to say.

"Here's some tea sweetie." Esme smiled at me, placing a steaming cup into my hands. I took it gratefully and my nerves started to calm as I took a sip. It was hard being here and yet I was… I never thought that I would actually be here.

"Marley… we need to talk."

I clutched the mug tighter. Why was this whole situation so difficult for me? I just didn't understand why.

Quietly I followed him, ignoring the fact that the reason why he was walking so slowly was because of me. Because I was so god damned human.

His room looked the same as before- it would have been different had there not been a photo on the side table of his. A photo of the two of us together. My heart ached at the sight of it- I was in his arms, both outside with leaves in our hair. That had been a wonderful day.

"Do you remember that?" he asked watching as I traced my fingers along our faces. We looked so happy in this…

"It's hard not to." I replied in a whisper.

One of his hands wrapped in my arm and he turned me so that I was facing him. I tried as hard as I could not to look in his eyes. I knew that the moment I would I would lose it. I would break down again- I would want him back…

Of course I wanted Jasper back. He was one of the few who made me feel whole. He was probably the only person who made me feel welcome and alive. It was selfish of me. It was selfish to keep him with me when he could have so much better.


"I don't know if I can do this." I groaned and sat on his couch, clutching my head in my hands.

As stereotypical it was…my head was telling me not to go back to him. That it would make life so much worse for the both of us. My heart wanted him. I wanted the attention- the love and the comfort that he gave me. I wanted him back in my life for selfish reasons.

The couch shifted from my side and I looked to see him with his head hanging and fists clenched at his sides.

"I didn't want to leave you but you got hurt because of me." Jasper sighed and I frowned at the thought of him blaming himself.

"You can't do that to yourself Jazz. Blaming yourself just makes things harder later on. I knew that it was dangerous to be with you but you know what? I don't give a damn." I stated glaring at him.

Neither of us said anything as my words sank in. I swallowed thickly and grabbed his chin, pulling his head so that he was looking at me. The moment those golden eyes met my own, I knew what I was going to do.

"I'm not going to be my sister and forgive all of you right away. Your brother destroyed my sister and though she may seem fine now- she wasn't then. You didn't have to deal with the emotional pain that was literally emitting from her. You guys are lucky. I…" My voice broke as I spoke and I blinked back tears that were starting to form in my eyes.

Why was I being so god damned weak?

"I really do love you Marley." Jasper whispered and I stared over at him, my heart aching even more. I wanted him so badly…

"I love you to Jazz…but I can't just jump into this. I can't… I don't want to. I want to be with you but we have to take things slower… and I cannot promise that I'll be nice to Edward." Jasper smiled a bit at the last part and pulled me into a hug.

Almost immediately I melted into his arms, glad that we were together again. He and his family had hurt me… and while I didn't want to forgive them for that, I knew that I would have to over time. I also knew that there would be the little nagging voice in the back of my head telling me that I couldn't and I was weak to do so.

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