Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"Dad are you sure you're alright with me going?" I questioned while tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. I would be leaving in two weeks and I was worried that Dad was going to feel abandoned. Bella would be going off to 'college' while I would be in Florida with Renee… I was beyond worried that he wouldn't be alright by himself.

He pulled me into a hug with a smile on his face then nodded his head.

"Go have fun. You don't have much time left with your friends so you really should enjoy it." Charlie laughed then pushed me towards the lit up house where Bella was waiting oh so patiently.

Pecking him on the cheek with a soft thank you I rushed towards my sister linking my arm around her own. It was baffling that she was already a high school graduate. It honestly felt like just yesterday the two of us were practicing ballet and watching Rugrats as kids…

A part of me missed that but I knew that those days were over and there was no need for me to dwell on the past.

We walked up to their porch where Edward was waiting and while those two made out I quickly unlatched myself from Bella and started to search the house for something to do.

"Mar! why don't you help me with the music. You know what's popular these days." I shot Alice an odd look before nodding and sat on the ground in between two piles of CD's.

I knew that she could have done this within minutes and because of that… I had the feeling that she was keeping me distracted for some reason. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Edward pull Bella upstairs in a hurry. I wanted to go up with them but the task Alice assigned me to needed to get done.

About ten minutes later Alice was sitting at my side helping me sort while the whole entire room was already set up. I had only gotten about a quarter of the way through the disks.

"We're going to miss you so much Mar. You're going to have to call everyday- I mean I know that you will be calling Jasper every day but you really shouldn't forget about us too okay? Because we'll miss you as well." Alice pouted picking up the piles of disks.

The Cullen's had been shocked with my decision to leave yet accepted it which I was appreciative of. For me it made things a lot easier.

We quickly finished getting the disks sorted and set them up easily. Alice then pulled me up to her room bouncing excitedly.

"The guests will be here in about a minute and you need to change." She squealed and I looked down at my outfit.

For Bella's graduation I had opted for a easy going but not overpowering outfit. My hair was in a bun with a few locks hanging down and I was dressed in tight black skinny jeans and a fancy shirt. It wasn't much but I didn't understand why it didn't work for a party.

The door slammed shut after me and I shook my head at Alice's antics but then examined the outfit that was laid out for me. The dress was pure white with lace detail that went down the middle and stopped midstomach and showed more skin than I was comfortable with. However to even the dress out the sleeves were long and flowy and the back was open though connected at the top.

It made me self-conscious even just looking at it.

"Alice I can't wear this!" I yelled playing with the fabric of the dress in my hands. Somehow this was sophisticated and sexy at the same time. Two things that I wasn't. Music was blaring from downstairs so I got no response.

How perfect. Shaking my hand again I quickly stripped then threw on the thing with my eyes shut. I peaked into Alice's huge mirror and shook my head. This dress did not look good at all..

Knock knock…

"Mar you alright?" Jasper asked from the other side of the door and I crossed my arms over my chest self-conscious. I knew that he would get worried if I didn't open the door but I didn't want to going out like this.

"Mar?" Jasper asked again and I sighed giving in while cursing Alice in the back of my head.

With a sigh I opened the door peaking out to see Jasper with a smile on his face. I smiled back while also trying to hide my body behind the door. His eyebrows furrowed at the sight and I gave him a sheepish grin.

"Alice got me a dress and I really don't like it." I whispered my eyes wide. He pushed the door open and let himself in before closing it shut behind him.

Sitting on Alice's bed he then gave me a once over with a raised eyebrow.

"You know I can't see the dress when you cover it all up like that." He smiled sarcastically and I blushed not wanting to show him.

With a small growl under his breath he grabbed me by the waist and in a flash I was on his bed with his hands holding my arms down. What was surprising was that it wasn't painful it gave me a thrill. He gave me another once over and growled again causing me to blush.

"Is it really that bad?" I asked and he shook his head his eyes not wavering from the dress that I was in. I wanted to cover myself up yet the dirty part of me was sucking up all of his attention.

"I have lived years and years and I have never seen anything more…intoxicating than you in that dress." He whispered giving his full attention to my neck while one of his hands wandered across my body.

I groaned and my eyes rolled in the back of my head as he continued and feeling the lust I pulled him up to me and smashed my lips onto his own. Despite the fact that he was pretty much made of stone everything about him was fantastic.

He was a true masterpiece.

We continued to kiss until I ran out of breath and at that point I rolled to the side gasping for air. Jasper's hands traced the lace of my dress as we laid there gathering ourselves.

"You came to Forks… and I was stunned by you. You were so insecure… so lonely and scarred… you thought that you weren't important but… do you know what Marley?" His breath was cool against my ear as he whispered and I hummed in response wanting this to last forever.

"In nine hundred years of time and space and I've never met anybody who wasn't important before…. And you are the most important person in the world to me." He murmured and I turned to him with wide eyes.

"Did you just?"

He laughed and nodded pulling me into a hug. I took in a deep breath, imprinting his scent into my mind. I never thought that I would be this lucky.

"The last part was my own doing but yes… that was a doctor who quote." Jasper winked and then pulled away. "I hope you're happ-"

He cut off suddenly his whole body growing tense. I sat up with him and he growled deeply- a growl that honestly scared me a bit.

"Jasper what-" He cut me off his eyes dark.

"Do not leave this room Marley… The mutts are here and they're causing some problems." He hissed and then with a blur left the room.

I was left sitting there trying to understand what had just happened. After a moment of bafflement I got to my feet and decided to join the party and figure out what the hell had just happened.

Something was going on and I needed to know what it was.

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