Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“My brother is in the room right now...”

I should have found it creepy that Edward was pretty much stalking Bella. I should have but I couldn’t. The two of them were going to get together eventually and so him watching her... sleep just brought them closer together.

For a moment Jasper and I were silent before he tensed up. I could hear Charlie walking in front of the room going to his own. Placing my hand on Jasper’s chest I looked at him carefully. Soon Charlie was locked in his room and Jasper let out his breath though his expression became pained

I knew that he was new to the whole eating animals not people thing and I knew that it was difficult.

After Jasper and I cleared up the vampire thing it made things much easier. He also told me about how the family’s powers such as Alice’s visions and Edward’s mind reading. It explained why I felt drawn to Jasper. He was an empath and it was something that made him so much better.


He looked down at me, playing with a piece of my hair. I couldn’t help but to smile at that and snuggle into his chest more at this.

Okay so our relationship was going slowly which I was grateful for. It may not seem like it considering the fact that he was currently laying in my bed... but it was. We had more... of an emotional connection than a physical..

“Why don’t you want to eat me...?” Maybe I phrased that a bit wrong... Okay yeah I did phrase that wrong.

I mentally face palmed and almost backtracked when he just shook his head, laughing quietly.

“Your blood... There’s something weird about your blood. I mean not weird.” He trailed off at my expression. “I’m drawn to it... but I don’t want to drink it. So like when you got hit but that car the other day... I’m not sure what it is. Your blood doesn’t affect me though.”

I nodded pretending that it had made sense. I mean it was cool and all that my blood didn’t affect him but... did that mean that another thing was wrong with me? We continued laying there and I couldn’t help but to feel content. 

“Am I allowed to ask you something too?” Jasper asked for a moment and I nodded though my eyes were starting to droop.

His cool hands playing wrapped around me felt natural and I couldn’t help but to sigh. 

I knew that I should have stayed awake to listen to what he was going to say but I couldn’t help it. Almost in an instant I found myself dreaming peacefully. His question could wait until later...

“Marley... Hey Mar... WAKE UP!!”

I couldn’t help but to scream as Bella jumped onto my bed wildly. Calming myself down, I burst into a fit of laughter realizing how insane I must have looked then shoved her arm.

“What the heck was that for?!” I exclaimed, running a hand through my mane of hair.

She rolled my eyes then grinned. Bella usually was never this... excited or hyper so something had to be up.

“A few friends and I are going dress shopping...” She started and I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes. And there it was. “You should come along too.”

I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes. I knew that she wasn’t a fan of shopping and she only wanted me to come along so that she had someone to talk to while she hung out with while the other two shopped.

Glancing at the clock next to my bed I almost had a heart attack. It was already 4 pm. That meant that I slept through the whole day pretty much. Great.

Stretching my legs, I nodded. While it was always fun hanging out with Jasper I knew that I needed more company than just him. Bella and I needed to hang out more.

“What time are we leaving?” I questioned only to get a smile in response.

“Fifteen minutes so get dressed and grab your wallet!” She exclaimed then ran out of the room.

Part of me dreaded hanging out with her friend Jessica yet I knew that I had to play nice. This was going to be okay..

Throwing my hair up into a messy bun, I threw on a pair of white skinny jeans and a plain v-neck black t-shirt. Wrapping a scarf around my neck, I burst out of the room. Just in time too. 

The car ride there wasn’t as awkward as I expected it to be. Jessica asked me about the Cullen’s which I brushed off. Jasper and I hadn’t made our relationship public yet so there wasn’t much that I could say without giving anything away.

Bella’s other friend Angela was a lot sweeter and I found myself enjoying her company. Though I felt a bit bad for Bella who was sitting there awkwardly while the three of us cooed over dresses, I was having a great time.

Even with that I didn’t regret my decision of not going to the Spring Dance. Jasper promised me that we were going to hang out and have a great night... that and the fact that I was an awful dancer was enough to convince me otherwise.

“Hey I’m going to go find a book store...” Bella murmured after a while and we decided that after a while we were going to meet at the restaurant later on while I continued to help the two girls with their fashion.

After a while we finally decided on a low cut form fitted dress for Jessica that screamed her and a longer light dress for Angela. Finding all of the accessories were easy and soon enough we were all ready to go. Each of us having a bag in hand (though mine were filled with random quirky accessories that I loved- one of them being a mustache scarf that I was overjoyed about).

We stood outside the italian restaurant for Bella for a while before deciding that it was time to go inside and eat. Though in the back of my mind I was worried, I knew that she would be okay.

“Jess! Angela!”

I spun around and saw my sister. Her being missing for hours freaked me out and I was beyond relieved to see her. Tackling her into a hug, I pulled away after a second then smacked her arm.

“Where were you!?” I shrieked going back to stand next to the two older girls.

Her expression turned sheepish to which I rose my eyebrow. Looking behind I noticed Edwards and I let out a puff of relief. Him being with her just made it easier. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

“I got lost.” She muttered sheepishly.

After a bit more talk we decided that I was going to go home with Angela and Jessica while Bella sat with Edward. As soon as we got into Jessica’s car I couldn’t help but to squeal.

“You alright there?” Jessica chucked giving me a slightly weirded out look. I nodded enthusiastically yet kept my mouth shut.

Though it was late already, I knew that I was going to be gushing to Jasper about how Edward and Bella’s relationship was developing all night...

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