Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

I looked at the bottle that was in my hands. Questions were swirling sound my mind as I sat there. Would anyone miss me? What would happen to Bella? Charlie? Sighing I placed the bottle back in my bag. It wasn’t a good idea. I couldn’t do it. No matter how much I wanted to.

While everyone was heading to the cafeteria I was sitting in my sisters car. It was better than sitting alone in there. God I hated this.

Bella was getting more comfortable with the school which I was glad about. It was only our second week in and she was fitting in quite nicely. That wasn’t the same with me though. So far my sophomore year was starting to suck.

Everyone avoided me as if I had the plague. Alice Cullen was the only one who talked to me besides my sister and it was just depressing. It made me miss home and Renee.

I couldn’t dwell on that though.

Looking outside the window I saw people playing around with the snow that was steadily falling to the ground. I wanted to join them but with that... I knew I would stick out. After a moment of debating with myself I got out of the car deciding that enough was enough.

I was going to sit with my sister and nobody could stop me.

Throwing my bag over a shoulder I kept my head down as I made my way through the snow. I was about to enter the cafeteria when something cold and mushy collided hard in my back. Surprised, I slipped from the curb and completely fell onto my face. 

I laid on the ground for a moment frozen as my mind tried to register what just happened.

“Mar! Oh my gosh are you okay?!” Alice’s voice rang from above me and cool hands carefully spun me around.

Blinking I laid there shocked for a moment. It wasn’t Alice who spun me around... It was... an angel.

His gold hair curled in a slight mess that was flawless none the less. His chiseled features were enthralling and...those eyes. Those eyes were a slight old that entranced me. Those cheek bones... that face... Nobody should look that perfect.

Blinking, a blush spread across my face at my thoughts. This... angel... he wasn’t an angel. He was Jasper Hale. Alice’s adoptive brother.

Something about him confused me. From what I heard around the school he was the most sour one out of the group of siblings. He glared at people... always looked...mad so why was he being ridiculously nice to be?

“I am so sorry!” Alice broke me out of my thoughts and my blush grew at her pleased face.

The others from the Cullen clan gathered around me and I realized how much more beautiful they were up close. Even with that... my mind kept going towards Jasper.

“I’m fine Alice.” I laughed shaking my head but almost froze seeing that everything fell out of my bag and was now scattered in the snow.

Blushing deeper, I hurried to pick it up and shove it back when a cool hand grabbed my arm and helped me to my feet. Turning, I saw Jasper smiling nervously at me as he held out my sketchbook and the small orange container.

Quickly grabbing them both, I shoved them both into the bag and immediately felt anxiety sneak up on me. An attack was going to start soon and I didn’t want anyone else to see. I glanced for an escape but out of no where a wave of calm hit me. I took a step back a bit surprised by the feeling.

What the hell was that?

“As an apology you should sit with us today.” Alice grinned widely and before I could protest grabbed my arm, dragging me back towards the cafeteria. 

Eyes were on us as we made it to our table. I couldn’t help but to duck my head slightly at them feeling so out of place.

“You don’t have to worry about them you know.” Jasper muttered to me as we took seats, trays of food that they weren’t going to eat in front of them.

I gripped my water bottle and gave a partial shrug, not really paying attention to his words of comfort. To break the awkward silence Emmett shook his head spraying us all with water. 

“You act like a dog!” I laughed wiping the water off of my face. I looked around the cafeteria and noticed Bella staring at Edward. Rolling my eyes at how obvious she was being I turned back to the group.

I couldn’t help but to enjoy myself around these people. Something about them made me feel... comfortable.

It weirded me out.

“So what things are you into?” Jasper asked me and I couldn’t help but to shift at the attention. I was not used to attention from attractive guys.

“Um... Well... I-I..” I blushed as I stuttered coming up with a blank. 

Emmett laughed at my awkwardness as did Rose. Luckily they weren’t being mean about it though it was still embarrassing.

“She’s great at photography and drawing!” Alice pipped up and I blushed.

“I’m not that-”

“Shush!” Alice cut me off and I threw her a partial glare. “She also likes Harry Potter and Doctor Who, things like that!”

I looked at Alice confused. How did she know about my obsession with Harry Potter... and all that...? She gave me a pointed look at my t-shirt (which I realized was a Doctor Who one) and nodded despite how nerdy that made me sound.

Jasper gave me a confused look causing me to gasp.

“You don’t know...? WHAT TYPE OF CHILD HOOD DID YOU HAVE?!” I shrieked almost falling out of my seat.

The others burst out laughing at my response and Jasper gave a sheepish smile. Glaring at him with fake anger I turned my nose up at the boy.

Jasper was about to respond when the bell rang and I excused myself from the table. I was about to leave when a thought struck me.

“Hey Edward...” He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow and I gave a shrug almost having second thoughts. “I want you to be nice to Bella if you could...” I whispered and he nodded with a slight grin.

By the time school was over I was sitting in the car with Bella. She looked majorly confused though perked up when she saw me. I grinned at her widely, something that I hadn’t done in a while.

“I saw you sitting with the Cullen’s today...” she trailed off awkwardly and I grinned nodding. “Edward talked to me today too...”

I grinned wider at this. He listened to my advice and I knew how much that was bothering Bella.

There was a moment of silence between the two of us and I couldn’t help but to smile despite myself. It wasn’t uncomfortable to not talk to my sister and that was something that I loved about our relationship.

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