Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I couldn’t find Jasper anywhere. He didn’t visit me at night, he didn’t answer his phone. Edward was the only Cullen that I saw in days and with that... he never told me where Jasper was.

I understood that he needed space to collect himself. He needed to be okay. Even with that... it worried me beyond belief that he wasn’t picking up his phone. I tried not to pester him though. If he didn’t want to talk, he wasn’t going to talk. I stopped calling after the first few times. It pained me yet... I knew that I needed to not be so attached to him.

“Marley, Edward and I are going for a walk.” Bella murmured to me after she came home a few days since the Cullen’s had left.

I nodded at the two worried as to what was going to happen. The fact that Edward was taking Bella for a normal walk concerned me. they never did that and something about this was fishy to me.

Five minutes later I found myself in the kitchen. Ten minutes later I found myself in the living room alone. Fifteen and I was in my bedroom, sketching out Jasper absentmindedly.

“Marley...?” I took in a breath and turned around to see Edward standing next to my now open window. Bella wasn’t with him and this meant that something was definitely up.

It wasn’t hard to figure out what was going on. The Cullen’s were leaving and Edward just told Bella. And now he was going to tell me. He was going to say that it wasn’t my fault that this had happened. That Jasper was too dangerous for a simple human being.

“You’re right...” Edward murmured and I got to my feet glaring at him.

I was closer to him than I was with some of the other Cullen’s yet right now... he was pissing me off. I was not going to put up with the guy who broke my sister’s heart.

“You’re really a dumb ass. I want you out of my house and I do not want to see any of you again.” I snarled jabbing my finger into his chest.

His expression turned pained but he nodded. Before I could say anything else he was gone.

Jasper had left me without even saying goodbye. The rest of the Cullen’s too but... Jasper did. I thought that he had loved me yet he didn’t even have the guts to say goodbye to me.

The more time I spent standing there in my room, the angrier I got. Jasper and I talked about our future before...and this wasn’t a part of our plan. He had promised me that things would be okay and yet... look at this.

I felt betrayed. Beyond betrayed. I had opened up to Jasper and what did he do? He left me without even saying goodbye to my face. Bella though... Edward went on a walk with Bella more than an hour ago. Why wasn’t she back.

I pulled my sweatshirt off of my bed, running down the stairs and out the door.

Pushing my way through the forest, I called out for my sister. No matter how deep I went I couldn’t find her. The deeper I went, the darker the sky got. While I was one for the outdoors, being in the forest at night frightened me beyond belief.

“Bella! Where the hell are you...?” I sighed running a hand through my hair as I spun around slowly.

Checking my cell phone, I realized that it was late... very late. 10:45pm late. Charlie was probably out of his mind looking for us.

“Marley! Bella!”

I heard someone calling my sister and my’s names. That meant that she never made it home. That meant that she was still out here... alone and heartbroken. Panic seeped through me. My sister was out in the forest vulnerable. A bear or a mountain lion even could get her.

Bella could get eaten by a bear...

My breathing started to come out in short gasps as I dug calling for Bella. She wasn’t going to die because some stupid vampire boy left her. She was going to be eaten by a freaking bear because of him.

Something warm wrapped around one of my wrists causing me to scream. Spinning around I was about to attack whatever had gotten me when I saw that it was just a man.

“Hey! Hey! Calm down- you’re one of the Swan girls...? Right?” I took a deep breath, trying to calm down my heart rate.

“Sorry...” I muttered horsely and nodded. “Is- have you found my sister? She has to be out here somewhere. I went looking for her and I can’t find her and I’m worried that a bear or something will eat-”

The man put a hand over my mouth trying to make me stop talking.

“My friend found her and is taking her back to Charlie’s right now. We should probably get you home too though. Charlie is worried sick about you two.”

The two of us made it back to Charlie’s house in a comfortable silence. Though I didn’t know who this stranger was, that was alright with me. He was just helping out Dad and if Dad could trust him... then I knew something about him was right.

When we were at the edge of the forest, I could see the back of our house. The boy smiled down at me and was about to leave when I placed a hand on his much larger arm.

“I’m... I’m sorry but what’s your name? I never caught that...” I almost whispered and he turned giving me a half smile of his own.

“Jared Cameron at your service.” He laughed and I felt my lips twitch at his attitude. His expression turned serious after a moment. “If need anything. I live down in La Push and you could always visit.”

He pushed me gently towards the house and when I turned around to give him my thanks, he was gone.

Rushing into the house, I was quickly embraced into Charlie’s arms. He was murmuring things about how I was never to do that again. Since Charlie wasn’t the most emotional man, it was refreshing to feel the fatherly love.

Keeping myself in my father’s embrace, I glanced over at Bella. She looked... hollow almost, her eyes dead and it frightened me. Though I was also hurt by the Cullen’s leaving.. I knew that I couldn’t become an empty shell without them. I had to toughen up and I would be fine...

It would take time but I would be fine.

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