Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us... In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain... 

...and an athlete... 

...and a basket case... 

...a princess... 

...and a criminal... 

Does that answer your question?... 

Sincerely yours, 

the Breakfast Club.

I couldn’t help but to giggle as the movie came to an end. Though it was an older movie The Breakfast Club was by far one of my favorites to watch. 

“You know... I remember when this movie came out.” Jasper murmured playing with a lock of my hair.

“I don’t doubt that.” I shut off my laptop, turning so that I could look at Jasper in the eyes. 

Right as I leaned in, he turned his head towards the side causing me to just catch his cheek. I couldn’t help but to pout at this. Not pleased at all. My eyes searched his own for an answer. Usually he would never reject me.

“Your sister is going to be here soon...” He laughed as I burrowed my head into his neck, kissing it softly. 

“Do I look like I care...?” I murmured smiling softly and Jasper pushed me back with a coy smile on his face.

“Just one.” He finally gave in and pulled me into him.

By the time we separated I was panting for air, my face flushed. He laughed a bit at me before pulling me off of his lap. 

Right as we were going to exit the room, Alice burst in, her eyes wide.

“Bella’s going to be here in 2 minutes! Stop making out and come on!” She squealed grabbing my arm and pulling the two of us down the stairs.

The rest of the Cullen’s gave the two of us a small nod as we took our place farthest from the front door and I felt Jasper stiffen behind me. While he was slowly getting used to Bella’s scent it was still hard for him to be close to her which I understood. Squeezing his hand, I gave Jasper a reassuring smile trying to tell him with my eyes that it was going to be alright.

He gave me a soft smile and nod knowing what I was doing. Both Bella and Edward came into the house, Bella with a nervous grin on her face.

As she greeted the other’s, I kept my distance with Jasper. He smiled softly at my sister and I gave her a small wave.

“Time to open presents!” Alice sang and led my sister over towards the table which was covered in presents.

Before Bella could grab the first present that Alice was shoving into her face, I jumped between them abandoning Jasper and thrusted my gift towards her.

“Mine has to be first!” I grinned and then made my way back to Jasper.

She threw me a look before unwrapping it and after a moment she gasped seeing the framed drawing in her hands.

It had taken me about a week to draw. Even with that it was probably my best drawing so far. Both Edward and Bella were sitting side by side. Personally I liked it quite a bit. From her reaction I could tell that she did too.

“So this is why you’ve been locked up in your room.” Bella snorted and within a moment Alice snatched that out of her hands and trusted a new box in her hands.

We all laughed as she opened the empty stereo box with confusion and Emmett burst into the room pushing both Jasper and I closer to see the next gift.

I wasn’t sure as to what had happened. One minute Bella was opening her present and the next Edward let out a roar, I was flung back into the couch with tipped over from the impact causing me to hit my head against the ground, and everyone was snarling.

“Emmett! Rose, get Jasper outside.” 

I blinked as Carlisle spoke and clutched my throbbing head. Sitting up, I watched the Cullen’s left the room in a rush. Jasper was struggling against his siblings hold, snarling at my sister. For the first time I was scared to be around him.

While Carlisle was tending to Bella who was bleeding heavily, Alice turned towards me and placed a cool hand on my shoulder, trying to keep me down.

“I wouldn’t stand up just yet if I were you.” She murmured softly and placed a cooling hand on the back of my head where it was throbbing.

Carefully she helped me up then went into the kitchen where Carlisle was helping Bella out. Pulling a icepack out of the freezer, she helped me sit down then left the room with an apologetic smile. Keeping it on the bump that I knew was forming, I kept my head on the table trying to ignore the pain in my head.

I tried to listen into Carlisle’s story as he spoke to my sister but the throbbing just got worse. This was not how I expected to spend Bella’s birthday.

“Marley, can you please put your head up?” Carlisle asked after what seemed like an eternity. He placed a cool hand on my shoulder and I lifted my head gingerly.

He assessed the damage for a moment then sighed giving me a glass of water and some Advil which I took gratefully. 

“I suppose I should take you home...” Carlisle sighed after a while and I removed the ice pack as the pain in my head started to numb.

“I’ll do that.”

Edward came into the kitchen gesturing for the both of us to follow. While Bella went to go change shirts, I went up to him trying to keep my emotions hidden.

“Is Jasper alright?” I whispered trying to process what happened.

Edwards eyes met my own. Those eyes that were brighter than Jaspers but were not as enticing were full of pain and what seemed like...determination. At that moment I knew that Jasper wasn’t okay. Jasper wasn’t okay and it concerned me.

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