Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


I approached Charlie hesitantly. I knew that asking this would be hard but it needed to be done. Alice could see what I was doing if she really wanted to so it was only a matter of time before she approached me. I pulled my beanie down a bit then collapsed onto the chair next to my dad who was looking at me nervously.

Crossing my legs underneath me I took a breath, ready to give the speech that I had been mentally preparing for the last ten minutes.

"What's up Mar?" he asked muting the TV. Renee and I had some pretty difficult conversations… but having this one with my dad who I had a really close bond to… this was going to be hard.

"I… I think for my senior year I want to go to Florida with Renee and Phil." I whispered and he stared at me for a moment. I tried to gauge his reaction but… there was none. Taking in a breath I continued to talk knowing that it would help my anxiety.

"I've been looking into art colleges and I have found one there that I like and I plan on submitting my application as soon as I can. I feel like it would be easier if I were with mom because then touring schools wouldn't be too hard and I love living with you and Bella so so much but it's-"

"Marley… I understand." Charlie cut me off with a sad smile on my face and I frowned at the fact that it seemed like I was breaking his heart.

Grabbing his hand into my own I bit my lip trying to figure out what I should say next. I never thought that he would give in so easily…

"I understand why you want to go and I think that there are more art colleges that would be lucky to have you in Florida… I do expect you to call though… because I have a feeling that Bella won't when she goes off." Charlie seemed a bit sour about that and though we both knew it was true I pulled him into a hug while shaking my head.

"I'm sure she'll talk to you." I whispered lying through my teeth. Letting my father go I scooted back towards my side of the couch. "Summer… School ends in about a week but I want to stay for a while. I'm not sure when I'll leave but…" I trailed off nervously and Dad gave me a smile, his blue eyes twinkling a bit.

"I can talk to Renee about what day would be good. Anyways we both need to get some sleep." He checked the clock that was above the TV and shook his head at the time. I gave him one more hug before heading up to my room.

One person down now a billion to go. That was an over exaggeration but I was most nervous about telling Jasper… He was… my love and I was leaving him. It seemed to be irrational of me but I needed it to happen.

Despite the fact that I continuously told myself that I didn't want to become a vampire my heart told me it was what I needed to do. Being a vampire I could stay with Jasper forever. But…forever was a really long time. And there was the fact that I would be a killer… that disgusted me.

I didn't want to become a vampire and if I knew that dating one would cause my demise…

I would still date him. I would date Jasper. That was what scared me.

What scared me more than anything was the fact that I would soon give up my life and it…excited me.

It was disgusting. The more I hung out with the Cullen's the more I wanted to be a part of their family. The more I wanted to be one of them despite what I would lose. How was that… acceptable?

That was why I needed to get away for a bit.


I jumped a bit as I saw Jasper standing next to my window. His head partially down as he stared at me. Swallowing I closed my door and walked over to him- did he really overhear all of that?

"You… The Volturi are going to track you down even if you do leave…" He whispered and I tried to take his hands yet he moved away from me.

I felt a pang in my chest at this action and then backed up, folding my arms across my chest as if to hold myself. He… never rejected me like that.

"I know that Jazz…" I whispered trying to blink the tears out of my eyes. This was not how I wanted to tell him. "But Bella is going to be graduating soon and I want to…I want to leave so I can have a bit of a normal life before I turn."

His eyes darkened as I spoke and he stared at me with… disgust.

"You weren't supposed to know that you were going to get changed Mar." He growled under his breath and took a step towards me. I backed up a bit in shock. "You are going to become a killer like I am and do you know how much that hurts to know? And what makes it even worse is how scared you are of it! I can feel it Mar and it kills me that I am doing this to you!" His voice was getting louder and louder as he spoke.

I shook my head trying to swallow my fear. Jasper never got angry with me… and I had never seen him this emotional. It was scary.

"You are going to become a monster like me and I cannot protect you from that… and you are what keeps me sane."

I hadn't realized that I was crying until he reached a hand out and wiped a tear off of my cheek. I took in a shuddery breath and tried to stop the tears yet I couldn't.

"I- I just want my last memories of being human to be around the sun… I love you I swear I do but-"

He cut me off by pressing his lips hard on my own. Upon instincts my hands wrapped around him and I tangled my fingers into his hair drawing closer. In an instant he backed off, breaking my grip.

Shakily I sat down on my bed, staring at the man I loved more than anything.

"Marley… I want to spend an eternity with you."

Even more tears started to pour out of my eyes and I flung myself into his arms as cheesy as it was and muttered an "I love you" into his ear.

Soon we collapsed onto my bed- his arms wrapped around my waist and I laid there cuddling against him. Neither of us said anything as we were content with the silence. Content with the fact that I would be leaving only to get changed not soon after.

"Jasper?" I whispered into his chest after what seemed like hours later? His chest hummed in response and I looked up at him, into his golden eyes. "Promise me that you'll be the one who changes me… so that at least it'll be a friend."

His arms tightened around me and then he nodded with a small grin on his face. Placing a kiss on my forehead he then buried his face into my hair.

"I wouldn't have it any other Darlin'."

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