Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"No!" I froze at the stairs as Bella yelled at Jacob. Most people didn't hear it yet because I was so close to her… I did.

I was about to run over towards them to figure out what was going on when I was shoved backwards by Jacob. Jasper caught me hissing at the boy and I looked at the trio confused. Alice looked… neutral, Bella heart broken, and Jasper… almost Excited. I must have come too late. Great…

"What's going on?" I whispered to Jazz as he straightened me up. He just shook his head as if it wasn't any of my business causing me to frown.

"Obviously something is going on I want to know!" I snapped glaring at the three of them. Bella just brushed passed me probably looking for Edward and Alice looked between Jasper and I not too sure as to what to think.

"I'm going to let you two… figure this out…" She muttered and then ran off into the crowd of people. I watched her for a moment baffled and then turned back towards Jazz with a raised eyebrow.

He sighed and then grabbed my hand. Pushing me up against the wall he looked down at me with smoldering eyes. I wanted to shove him away but my body felt so…puddlish. It wasn't right.

"It's nothing that you need to worry about." He muttered and I could feel him working his voodoo powers to try and calm me down. Oh that wasn't going to happen today.

"Stop it!" I hissed and smacked him on the arm. Despite the stinging on my hand the message went through. Smirking at the fact that he stopped using his powers I took a breath trying to calm myself on my own.

"I'm sorry." He leaned his head down and pressed his forehead against my own. I couldn't help but to smile a bit and then looked into his eyes.

"Will you tell me what's going on now?" I whispered and he bit his lip then nodded after a moment.

"An army is coming after Bella. They plan on coming here in a few weeks and but it'll be okay because you'll be leaving then… I can't let you getting hurt again." He sighed, and I shook my head scowling.

"There is no way that I am leaving you all behind in the face of danger!" I hissed upset at the fact that he…wanted me to leave.

Jasper was about to say something yet I shoved him out of the way- needing to get out of here. This was beyond ridiculous.

"Marley- please-" Jasper grabbed my hand, trying to get away from him. "Marley you can't stay here for this… it won't be-"

"Jasper let go!" I glared at him getting even more upset by how this was going. His grip tightened causing me to wince. This was getting out of hand.

"You have to go to Florida- you cannot-"

"Jasper let go!" I yelled yanking my arm against him. His hand was crushing my own and though I knew that it was probably unintentional… it hurt like hell.

As if snapping out of a trance his grip from my arm fell and he backed up from me, his eyes wide. I glared at the vampire while rubbing my wrist. Stumbling away from him, I searched for my sister in the crowd.

I couldn't stop my gasping breaths as I stumbled through the crowd. My eyes started to burn causing me to gasp even more. This was- god no.

"Marley- Mar!" Arms wrapped around my waist causing me to stumble back. Before I could do anything I was dragged out of the crowd of people and was soon enough looking at Emmett who looked extremely concerned.

"Let me go!" I hissed struggling against his grip- though his grip was firm it didn't hurt like when Jasper had me. He wasn't hurting me.

Tears started to stream down my face and before I could do anything I was sobbing into Emmett's arms. I would have felt bad for ruining his shirt… but my emotions overpowered everything. The fact that Jasper…wanted me to leave and that he hurt me… okay it didn't hurt that much but he scared the shit out of me.

That…wasn't something that I was comfortable with.

"Mar… Marley wake up…" Someone poked me in the shoulder causing me to groan. Smacking the hand away I let out a growl and then opened my eyes.

"What time is it?" I muttered to see Bella hovering over me in jeans and a flannel shirt. Glancing at the clock that was on my side table I groaned again. "2:30- it's 2:30 in the bleeding morning!" I hissed and then ran a hand through my knotted hair.

She stared at me for a moment as if debating on something before shaking her head slightly.

"There's going to be a meeting tonight… Edward's taking us. I would get dressed or something if I were you." She whispered and I nodded with a sigh.

"Just give me a second."

Stripping myself real fast I then pulled on some leggings and knee high socks. I didn't bother putting a shirt on and just pulled an overlarge sweatshirt over my bra. It probably sounded weird but it was more comfortable than not.

Looking in the mirror I saw that my eyes were red from crying and my hair was a mess. Pulling it into a pony tail I sighed debating for a moment… I knew that I should probably go but after the thing with Jasper… I wasn't sure if I wanted to or not. Where Jasper had grabbed me the skin was starting to purple.

"It's now or never Mar…" I sighed and then exited my room and snuck into Bella's.

We must have looked stupid running. I was clinging onto Edward's back and Bella was curled up into his arms. It must have looked like some inappropriate…thing.

Not soon enough we were in the clearing. I jumped off of Edward's back and scanned the area for Jasper despite myself. He was standing there talking to Alice, him seeming comfortable despite himself while the two argued. Swallowing thickly I turned away from them then looked for Esme who was smiling slightly at me.

We made small talk until the wolves showed up. I stood next to Esme who had an arm around my shoulder which was comfortable. I missed having Jasper here but that was something that we would have to discuss when we weren't so busy.

The Cullen's and the wolves talked for a bit- Edward being the translator until Jasper was ready to fight.

"The two most important things you'll need to remember are, first, don't let them get their arms around you and, second, don't for the obvious. That's what they'll be prepared for."

Watching Jasper and the rest of the Cullen's fight made me want to stay here even more for support. Of course I wanted to go home but… At least I would know that they were okay.

"Mar…" Jasper approached me as all the wolves and the Cullen's left. I sighed pulling my knees up to my chest- my head throbbing from the lack of sleep. Keeping my eyes on the sky I felt him sit down next to me.

"Marley- we need to talk about this." He placed a hand on my knee and though my mind told me to shake it off- I didn't. We did need to talk about this.

There was a moment of silence between the two of us before I sighed shaking my head. Pulling the sweater sleeves over my hands I then leaned up against him.

"I don't like you controlling me." I whispered my voice wavering a bit. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I took a deep breath. "If there's something going on like a vampire war I want to know about it. You cannot- You have to realize that even though I am human I still have a say in my life. As fragile as you believe it is. I need to know these things and… I am staying for the war."

His eyes bore into my own for a moment and then he nodded without a smile.

"Are you not upset about…?" He grabbed my wrist and traced the bruise on my arm after rolling up the sleeve a bit. I shook my head and his lips brushed up against my wrist. "I curse myself for doing this for you darlin'."

I turned towards him and then put my hand to his face.

"You are not allowed to curse yourself. I refuse to let you do something like that. I'm not upset by it Jazz." He was about to cut me off yet I continued to talk. "I know- you scared me at the moment but I'm not upset about it. I'm upset about you not letting me control my own life."

"I know… and I'm sorry about that darlin'."

I stared into his eyes and without another thought my lips crashed upon his own.

I was beyond worried about this mini war. I was beyond worried about everything but… that didn't matter at the moment. What mattered was with that I was with Jasper… and I wouldn't be with him for much longer. Carpe Diem.

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