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I stand up as tall as my short legs and short body would allow...

As a 6 year old i'm not that tall but I do try hard!

I push some pressure into my heels as I swing back my left leg and pick up the right lead canter.

"Perfect! Perfect Sophie!"

I smile in joy and pet my little dappled grey pony named Dippin' Dots.

He was mine for now, but soon Ill be switching horses.

Im almost too big for Dippin' Dots now.

Ive had him for a year now, I started riding at 5, and really love him...but time comes and you must let go of those you love.

Oh also he is getting retired!

He just turned 25 last month.

I can't believe my boy is 25!

It seems like Just yesterday I rode him for the first time.

Oh wait.

Let me remember that day and his past.

Wait. Who am I talking to this is ny brain.

I laugh a little.


Dippin' Dots has been in our family since he was 5. My sisters and brothers before me learned how to ride on him.

He is a nice jumper too!

Im amazed at how he is so soft and simple.

I swing my leg over his rump and head towards the gait after I pull his reins over his his small head.

I calmy reach to open the gait as a horse comes running from his pasture.

He almost gave me a young heart attack!

The grooms always let this one horse find his way to his stall for the breakfast meal, and oh how fast he does it is like a blink of an eye sped up.

Ya know he is a liberty horse and an amazing one at that!

He is like a masterpiece when he is in motion...I could only dream of riding him....

*The Next Day*

I again hop astride the pony for what would be my last ride on him.

We have been searching miles long for a bigger horse but none caught my eye just yet.

I want to find my heart horse.

Ok now go back up and watch the video.

I did not make this video but its an amazing video that is so true.

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