Ocean and Heart

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Picture above is Ocean.

I slept well last night dreaming about how the show will go. Today is the challenge day, what do I mean by that?

Well...I will be riding both of the horses heart is my horse and Ocean is my brothers horse. i will be training both and ride jumps like I would at the show.

A 3 day show is difderent than a 1 or 2 day. It has dressage starting first, soo I start on my horse heart and then I will switch to ocean thrn hop back on my horse for cross country than ocean then the same for show jumping. Oh what fun this will be!

Nah. Ill just do all of one at the same time then go to next horse.

Heart warm up and dressage; Heart warms up very nicely. He has freedom in his neck and is very supple and giving to the bit today. His forward motion isnt as uncontrollably as he is other days,which I enjoyed very much because I was able to get more things done. His walk was really good and he was using his back. I push him into trot with my seat and he gives me a very nice transition. After a few laps of very good trot I give him the rein and then take it back 4 strides after fully giving. This is a technique I learned from my coach, its to ensure that the horse is responding well. It sure does work well too! Next is canter. I slide my leg back and he canters when I ask. Beautiful! His transition was 10 out of 10! Best he has ever given me. After repeating on the other side I moved onto the test.

I entered. Trot. Trot trot. Whoa theres X I better halt! I gave my seat and halted. It wasnt great but it was almost square! Trotting on. Perfect halt to trot transition. Much more prepared than coming into the halt. At C I track left and go down the quarter line. Leg yielding to the right. 9 out of 10 for thst one. Then after the leg yield. Canter! Perfect. I go across the diagnol and trot at X and resume cantering at the next letter. At the next letter I drop into a trot. Kind of a rough transition but it was still good. I ended the test down centerline at a trot and with a square halt. I have been trying to achieve a square halt for a week or so now with him soo I praised him for that halt! I walked on a loosr rein and allowed him to cool off.

Heart cross country; I canter him on. In front of us laid a log siting on the ground. I went into 2 point and came back down once heart cleared it. I gave him a quick sense to gallop and he responded. He took off in a gallop until we reache the water ditch, where I slowed him down to a canter and we hopped over it. Beautifully done! We gallop on. Im shocked when I realised how fast we were going and we were actually clearing the jumps and doing it good! We moved onto the next one which was just a X log. We jumped it easily and ended with that.

Heart show jumping; my quick horse cantered fastily to the first jump. It was lower than the others but he seemed to think it was huge when he over-jumped it. Surprisingly I stayed on and balanced. We moved onto the next one. Cleared. 3rd one. Cleared. 4th one. Cleared. 5th one. Cleared. 6th cleared. Last one!! We cantered on,I asked for more from Heart as he was lagging behind a little bit. He proceeded. We cleared the last jump. I gave a punch in the air as if I had conquered the olympics. It was a relief to have finally all that hard work pay off and him get a clear in jumping!

/I am pretty sure my and Heart have a huge HUGE CHANCE.\

Next is Ocean. He is a gelding 6 years old. A feisty one but a big one reaching 16.2 hands high and is only 6!!!

Ocean warm up; he was fresh during the warm up but he calmed down. He performed really well with the bit,meaning he was accepting the bit and being happy in it.

Ocean dressage; his dressage went good he was really happy and exited, he tried to take off during my canrer but I kept him in control eith half halts.

Ocean cross country; He was reallly hot and fresh when I took him on the course. He seemed sooo calm the other day on the trails but he just has such a hot temper when he is working alone and not in a group of other horses. He did good though for his first time in a while for a consistent work out.

I rinse both of the horse Heart and Ocean and both do great. Heart shows off his teeth and smiles as the water falls on him gently down his back and all over. Ocean doesnt seem to care for the water but eh.

The hot weather seems to be getting hotter...I can feel that im sweating like a hog. Ugh.


I load up all my things to back where they belong and wait on my parents to arrive from work.

38 minutes later my dads truck drives in and im off to the races, aka my house.

A lot is to come with this book as its still progressing. I know that if you read the summary it says age 10, but by chapter 1 it shows age 6 and then she has a birthday. This make sense though, since this gives you all more of a backstory efore I get into all of a sudden things(cuz if I didnt have the backstory then this wouldnt be a meaningful book!)

 This make sense though, since this gives you all more of a backstory efore I get into all of a sudden things(cuz if I didnt have the backstory then this wouldnt be a meaningful book!)

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