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Today is show day.
Today is the day.

I take a loud and anxious gulp before leaving my room dressed in yoga pants and a T-shirt. I wanted to wear something other than my show stuff since I'll be traveling. My brother is traveling me and my trainer is coming in her Rv. She is letting us stay on show grounds sleeping in it since theres 3 beds to sleep on.

*sometime later*

We just left the barn and we are on our way. I can feel butterflies in my stomach as its turned upside down and is full of knots.

Is this really the right thing for me?

Why did I ever want to show...

Even though nervousness is in my mind I rethink the last question.

I wanted to show because I wanted to be one of the very few who is horse first force never.

A few hours later we arrive.

The smell of hores makes me smile as Heart and Ocean and unloaded from the trailer and out into stalls. The place was very nice, If it was a boarding facility id love to board here!

My black boots shine,as I now have my show stuff on.

They always say be early...wellll...that didnt go to plan.

The show starts today actually and we ended up not being able to leave before hand aince there was a storm that came. Stupid storm!

Oh well, I tack up ocean, he goes first.

He looks all shiny and cute in his dressage tack and my long show jacket is as black as Heart.

My butterflies are gone now yay!

Now I I know;


There is a reason behind the far spaced out words. Its because of the nerves of the rider. It matches. It shows that she hesitates to say quite a few things. Also sorry I knoe it short, but its good right?

Id also like to inform you guys and gals to pllleeeasse comment your opinon of this book. It means alot to me and I want to make it as good as possible for you gusy and gals!

Picture is what I thought of for the show grounds.

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