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Diary entry. A few months later.

Its another birthday...
But this one feels different. Its not like my normal family one its mainly just a normal day. Oh well I guess we can't have it all.

It was good while it lasted though! I also saddled curiosity yesterday!!!!!!!  She was soo calm.

Im going to attempt to get on her back in 2 weeks. Until then im going to give her a little bit of a break in the huge pasture where she will be invited to the geldings and mares out there. She is almost 4, she will be 4 in 4 months.

She sure has potential!

Taxer has come a long way too He is learning how to go on the bit and we also have stepped away from the lunge line. He is understanding what go and stop means and what walk, trot, and canter is.

And then we have...Orange.
Orange is a character but I havent come as far as I would of hoped with her. Handling is coming a little stumped and all that isnt that great either. She sure does act like a stallion instead of a mare! Well not really handling its more of lunging work.

She needs some serious help...and maybe im not ready for that challenge...?

The thumbnail is a lineart I colored for all my readers. We are 2 weems away from christmas!! Merry Christmas!

I love all the votes,comments, and. Also Private Messages are great to!

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