Chapter 20: The Trial

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It was the day of Selim's trial and I had been working to make his defense because no one else was going to do it, not with knowing who he was in his last life. "Levy?" Riza asked as she approached me I was sitting outside waiting for us to be called in.

"The Elrics, my uncle, hell even my mother tried to convince me to go back in so why the hell do you think you have the chance?" I asked without looking at her.

"I wasn't going to try," she said. "But you're misunderstanding my husband."

"Don't really care," I said. 

"Levy he's in a difficult position, he's the head of this government and cannot ignore the people even if he thinks they are wrong, which he does. He doesn't believe that Selim is doing this, but he can't just ignore everyone," she explained.

"Actually he can. He's the Fuhrer, he can pretty much do what the hell he wants. And putting a man he knows is innocent isn't something he should be doing," I said. "Now excuse me, I have to go defend him."

"Why are you defending him so much? You just met him," she questioned.

"Because he's a good man. And if he was killing alchemists he had plenty of opportunity to kill me. Besides I know what it's like to be judged before people even meet you, he shouldn't be punished for Pride's actions," I replied before heading inside. Selim was just about to walk into the room, he was surrounded by four military officers.

"Hey wait a second I want to talk to him," I said as I ran forward to catch up with them. "Selim how are you doing?"

"What are you doing here? What about the alchemists?" he asked.

"You were arrested and no one was going to defend you that's what I'm doing here," I replied.

"You weren't ordered to go back to work?" he questioned.

"Probably would have been if I didn't quit," I replied.

"No, you didn't quit because of me," he stated.

"It wasn't because of you, well not fully. But don't worry about it," I replied. "What matters is you have someone on your side in this Selim. I know you didn't do this and I'm going to convince every single person in there too."

"Levy, they already decided I'm guilty. I'm Pride remember? Who else would have a reason to do this?" he asked his tone was sad and resigned to his fate.

"No. You were Pride. But Pride died along with the other homunculi. You are Selim Bradley. A good human being," I stated. "And I'm going to prove it."

"Enough talking," one of the officers said before pushing Selim forward into the room. I didn't hesitate to follow him in. Already in the room was Mustang and some of the highest ranked military officers there was, including my own mother. I had no idea she was here, but it wasn't going to stop me from speaking out. Selim was standing in the middle of the room. Even if he wanted to try to do something stupid, we wouldn't there were too many alchemists and military personal in general that would happily take him down. 

"Selim Bradley you have been accused of kidnapping and murdering alchemists across Amestris," Mustang announced. "You claim you're innocent of these actions."

"I am," Selim stated. 

"He is innocent," I said as I moved forward gaining confidence against all these people.

"And you are?" one of the older military officer asked. 

"My name is Levy Armstrong. I come from the north, I was raised and trained by Lieutenant General Olivier Armstrong. Recently I have become a State Alchemist but I gave up that position," I announced. 

"And why do you believe this man is innocent?" he asked.

"Because he could have attacked or killed me on a number of occasions. We traveled together, albeit shorty, but we did travel. He had chances to kill or kidnap me or whatever you are accusing him of, but he didn't. Instead he protected me and watched my back for me. Now if he was taking out alchemists, powerful alchemists, wouldn't it have made since for him to take an alchemist such as myself out while I was weak or asleep?

"Selim Bradley is a good man and judging him off of his past life is unfair. We have all done something we were not proud of in our past and back then he had little choice, Pride was made that way. He made no real decisions for himself, he only followed his Father, the creator of the homunculi. Edward Elric killed Pride, the only thing left to mark Selim as him is his looks, name, and the mark on his forehead. Selim has no memories of that life and none of Pride's abilities, and yet people have discriminated against him his entire life. And that discrimination has lead to today, is there any actual evidence that says he did this crime?"

"No," Mustang said carefully. "There isn't." I could see in not only his eyes, but my mother's as well, that they were proud of what I was saying. 

"No proof other than your preconceived notions," I stated looking across at the people in the room. "Then why are we here? I do believe there is someone doing this. I do believe that they need to be dealt with, but I also believe that Selim has nothing to do with it."

"Then what do you suppose we do?" Olivier asked. She wasn't really questioning me, more like testing me.

"I will take back my resignation if you release Selim to me and together we will investigate these kidnappings and murders and find the true culprit and together we will bring back what alchemists we can alive," I swore and Olivier allowed a small smile to grace her lips. 

Mustang stood up with a stern look on his face. "Very well Frost, you may take Mr. Bradley on your investigation." Gasps came from several of the officers. "If any of you have a problem with it. Take it up with me later, but Frost brought up enough good points for that to be my decision. This trial is over. I expect updates from you Frost."

"Yes sir," I said as people took off Selim's handcuffs he immediately pulled me into a hug. 

"Thank you Levy," he whispered into my ear and I hesitantly hugged him back, feeling a bit awkward. I wasn't big about public displays of affection, it bothered me. 



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