Chapter 4

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(Y/n)'s POV

~The next day~

I was currently sitting at my desk (in your room) trying to forget what my mother had said yesterday by writing stories. This was just a few minutes after breakfast. *knock knock*

"Come in." My father came in.
"You're going to the casino tonight. Unfortunately, mother and I can't join you. But don't worry, we'll get some body guards for you," he exclaimed.
"Oh, I don't need any body guards."
"Yes you do. What if you get lost or someone kidnaps you? We can't let that happen."
"Why am I going to the casino?"
"You got an invitation. It'd be rude to not accept/attend if you have nothing planned for tonight."
"But I do have something planned."
"And what would that be?" he asked while raising an eyebrow.
"I have to go back to the set tonight."
"(Y/n), don't lie to me. I have your schedule." Damn it, I almost forgot...more like I forgot until he reminded me.
"Ugh, fine."
"It's not like you had a choice anyway. I just came in inform you."
"But what will you and mother be doing that has caused you to be excused for this evening?"
"We have an important meeting. It's about the movie we'll be working on together after you finish this one with Yuzuki." *sigh*
"Now that you know the plans for tonight, I don't see why I should stay in your room any longer," he exclaimed then left.

This was probably my second time going to that casino. The first time I had to leave in a rush for another party. I think it was run by someone named Satsuki...I didn't really remember his surname though. Something like Kitai or Kitoju or something. I didn't have anything to do for the whole day since today was my day off. I called Mirai.

"Hey (Y/n)."
"Hey Mirai, are you busy today?"
"No, I'm free all day. Why?"
"Can we meet up? I have nothing to do."
"Haha, sure. Where do you wanna meet?"
"At (cafe name) maybe."
"Okay, see you in 10."
"Bye." I got ready and left for the cafe. Mirai was already there when I arrived.
"Sup (Y/n)."
"So what do you want to do?"
"Don't worry, I have it all planned."
"Great, sorry about calling you out."
"It's fine, come on. Let's go," he said while grabbing my hand. I smiled. I was never gonna give him up just because my parents told me to.

~A few minutes later~

"Omg! It's (Y/n), as in the famous actress!" Oh no...
"Come on, (Y/n). Run!" Mirai yelled as he grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

These fans...we were only trying to watch a movie. After what felt like a million years, we finally stopped. I was out of breath, so was Mirai.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I forgot about you being famous and all so I just planned things that normal people would do," Mirai explained.
"Don't worry about it."
"Are you coming tonight?"
"This time will be better than last time, trust me."
"I hope it is..."

I looked around. We were in a quiet park. We just walked in silence until I saw a little boy on the ground, crying. He was alone. We went up to him. I kneeled down.

"Excuse me, are you lost?"
"I lost my mummy, I can't find her..." he replied and continued crying.
"Are you hurt anywhere?" He shook his head. I noticed blood on his leg. He had a big gash along his thigh. I gasped.
"Hang on." I picked him up carefully.
"Will you help me find my mummy?" he asked with puffy, red eyes.
"We'll help."

Mirai was calling the ambulance. The little boy would be seriously hurt if he didn't get his wound patched up. He was losing a lot of blood. Mirai ripped some of his shirt off and tied it around the boy's leg.

"That should do for now, the ambulance will be arriving in about a few minutes," he exclaimed.
"Am I gonna die?" the little boy asked.
"No, you're gonna be fine. You're strong, aren't you? What's your name?"
"Are you foreign?" He nodded.
"Where did you come from? You speak Japanese very well."
"I came to live with my mummy, my daddy's working in Australia."

(A/N): Underlined words means you are speaking in English.

"Oh really? How old are you?"
"You can speak English? I'm 6 and a half."
"Haha, we can never forget the half." He smiled.
"Hey, that's not fair! I can't understand!" Mirai exclaimed before pouting.
"Haha, let's keep it that way."
"Yes, miss."
"I'm (Y/n)."
"The ambulance is here," Mirai exclaimed. They came towards us.
"Is this the little boy?" one of them asked. I nodded.
"Are you two his guardians?"
"No, he seems to be lost."
"Hey little boy, do you know your parents' phone numbers?" Tim nodded.
"It's (phone number)," he replied. I dialled the numbers into my phone.
"Um...we found your son, Tim."
"Oh, really?! Where is he?!"
"He's been taken to the (hospital name)."
"Oh, thank you so much!"
"You're welcome."
"May I please have your name?"
"(Y/n)'s (Y/n)." It seemed as if she was waiting for my surname as well.
"(Y/n) (L/n)." She gasped.
"Thank you so much! I won't bother you anymore."
"No, it's fine." She said a goodbye and hung up. I looked at Tim.
"Your mum will be waiting for you at the hospital."
"(Y/n), I'm scared."
"Don't be, you're strong. Don't forget that."
"Thank you!" The ambulance took off.
"That was all unexpected," Mirai commented.
"True." We decided to start heading back to get ready for tonight.
"See you tonight, Mirai."
"Alright, see you." He left in the opposite direction. *sigh* Hopefully I could escape tonight...

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