Chapter 25

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(Y/n)'s POV

I sneezed. They just had to put me in this freezing cold room. What was wrong with these people?! I sneezed again. It was so cold that I could barely move, I could even see my own breath. I hugged my knees and stayed in the corner. Why didn't they bother to tie me up? Well, at least I get a little bit of freedom.


I was standing right next to Yuzuki. Then these guys that were wearing masks came and put a cloth over my mouth. I tried to get free of their strong grasp but nothing I did worked.

Yuzuki and Mirai were talking so they didn't see me get dragged away. Come on, just turn around! They threw me into a room with two air cons on 0 degrees Celsius and two fans on full speed.

~Flashback end~

*sigh* I couldn't just stay in here and freeze to death. So I got up and banged on the door. It was locked shut. I tried the windows but they were locked and ironed shut. This room was completely empty except for a chair and table. Then the door opened and Yuzuki was pushed in.

"Hey, let me out!"
"There's no point, I already tried."
"Did I scare you again?"

He sweatdropped. I smiled and sat down next to him. Suddenly, the lights turned off. It was pitch black. I reached for Yuzuki's hand.

"What's going on?" he asked.
"A blackout maybe?"

Then the lights came back on but the room was magically transformed. Instead of the plain old boring room it once was, there were chandeliers replacing the lights, a fancy dinner table replacing the little brown table and lots of beautiful decorations covering the entire room.

"How did this happen?..." The doors burst open.
"Hey, let go of me!" That was Mirai's voice. The others were also pushed in here.
"What is this place?" Noel asked while admiring the beauty of it all.
"Did any of you plan this?" They all shook their heads with a confused look on their faces. Then Mariyu walked in.
"Do you all like it?" she asked with a smile...well, it was more like a creepy grin.
"What's going on?" Yuzuki asked.
"I thought I would give you all a little surprise-"
"Can you just give up?! Look, I am completely fed up with your useless attempts at making me love you! Get away from us!"

She clicked her fingers. Seven bodyguards came in. They grabbed our hands and tied them up. Our feet were tied as well.

"You are ruining my special day, it's my birthday! And I'm having a birthday dinner with my parents," she exclaimed.
"You were the one that dumped us in here."

She slapped me. The others stiffened. Yuzuki tried to stop her but the guard held him back. She went towards Yuzuki and had a makeout session with him. He was struggling to get away.

"Yuzuki, why are you struggling? This is how couples express their love," she said with a whiny voice.
"Shut up and get away from me." She told the guards to let the others go.
"Now let's have some fun," she whispered into his ear.

Why did she have to do this to him? I willed for someone to help us. Someone had to at least save him. She walked over to me and hit me with all her strength.

"Get away from her." Everyone turned their heads towards the door.
"Jack?" He whistled. A few soldiers jumped in through the windows, defeated the guards and held Mariyu by her hands.
"You're in the army?!"
"I don't even get a thank you?" he asked with a playful pout.
"Who is ruining-"

The soldier covered her mouth. I laughed. She glared at me. The soldier also covered her eyes. This time, Yuzuki and I couldn't stop laughing. Jack grinned.

"How did you even find us?"
"Well, I saw a few weird guys running for their lives and they came out of this building...I may be exaggerating a little tiny bit."
"A few weird guys?"
"Well, one was running around saying something about needing to save someone and another was all gloomy. The rest all seemed bothered by something."
"Do you think that's them?" Yuzuki nodded.
"You know them?!" Jack asked, surprised.
"Yep. Anyway, why didn't you tell me you were in the army?" He shrugged.
"Didn't think it was important."
"I think we should go before her parents come," Yuzuki suggested.
"Yeah." Two soldiers tied Mariyu to a chair then Jack ordered them to go back. We walked out of the place.
"Where are all the guards?"
"We beat them up," Jack replied casually like it was normal to beat someone up. The others ran over to us.
"Oh, they're the weird guys I was talking about." I laughed.
"Who do you think you're calling weird?" Mirai asked while eyeing him.
"Calm down, he came to help us. His name's Jack."
"How can we trust this guy?"
"He's my childhood friend." He got a call from someone - probably from the army - and said that he needed to go. I waved goodbye.
"Hey guys, want to have a movie night?" Ryoichi asked.
"Yeah, better than doing nothing," Yuzuki replied.
"Let's go to my place," Satsuki said.

(A/N): Sorry about the shorter chapter, I have a little writer's block

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