Sad Ending

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(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up and stretched. I wonder if everyone stayed for the night, we did stay up until 3:30 to watch movies. I changed into (outfit) and went outside. Everyone, including Yuzuki, was asleep and they were all over the lounge room.

*sigh* I went to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. I decided to make French toast. Once I was done, I put the plates down on the table and went to my room to get my notebook. While I was eating, I worked on thinking of new lyrics.

"Morning (Y/n)," Noel greeted.
"Hey." He sat down across from me and ate his breakfast.
"What are you working on?" he asked.
"A song, I haven't been able to think of anything."
"What's it based on?"
"I don't exactly know, I just write down whatever comes to mind."
"Can I have a look?"
"Sure." I handed him the book. He took it and read through the lyrics.
"It needs some work."
"Told you." He handed the book back to me and woke the others up.
"Mummy?" Mirai asked. Then he quickly realised what he just said and blushed bright red. Everyone laughed.
"Does wittle Mirai want his mummy?" Yuzuki asked with a pout. Mirai started chasing him around.
"Someone help me!" I grabbed Yuzuki from behind and dragged him onto his seat.
"Now eat." I got up and went into my room.

~2 hours later~

I still couldn't think of anything. I needed some inspiration.

"Oi (Y/n), you've been cooped up in your room for two hours. What are you doing?" Ryoichi asked.
"Coming up with lyrics for my song."
"Can I see?" I handed him the book. He read over it carefully.
"I know, it's not exactly good enough. I don't know what to do."
"Inspiration?" he asked.
"Yeah but where? Where do I get it?"
"I don't know, go kiss Yuzuki or something when he comes back." *blush*
"When he comes back?"
"Oh, he got a call from someone and needed to go somewhere."
"What about the others?"
"They're still here, we're all on holiday. Yuzuki told us to stay and look after you."
"Seriously? I don't need looking after."
"Whatever." He went outside. I followed him. They were playing cards.
"Hey (Y/n), can you look at Chihaya's cards for me?" Mirai asked with puppy eyes.
"Oi, no cheating," Noel said.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. I switched the channel to (favourite show). What?! The episode's already finished?! I watched some other boring show instead.

Well, I was mostly thinking about Yuzuki and lyrics. How long was he gonna be gone for? I turned off the tv and just watched them play cards.

"(Y/n), pleeeeaaaaaassse look at their cards for me? I want to win, I lost all the other games we've played," Mirai pleaded. I laughed.
"Okay." I looked at their cards.
"So?..." he asked with hopeful eyes.
"I looked at them, like you asked."
"Then tell me!"
"I'm just gonna go out for a bit."
"Come back soon," Satsuki replied.
"Okay, bye guys."
"What about me?!" Mirai asked with a pout.
"Just trust your gut or something."

I decided to go to the park for a peaceful walk. What should I base my song on? I needed to look for something inspirational. A couple walked past me but I overheard them talking.

"I never knew that Yuzuki and Mariyu were dating," the woman exclaimed.
"Yeah, there's a bunch of articles on it," the man replied.

What? I searched it up on my phone and scrolled through some articles. They were published today?! The latest one was when they were at a shopping centre so I decided to go there.

Yuzuki's POV

There were lots of paparazzi around us. Mariyu didn't care and forcefully kissed me. I reluctantly kissed her back. I felt guilty for doing this behind (Y/n)'s back but I needed to keep her safe. She threatened to ruin her career and commit a crime but would put the blame all on (Y/n) so she would have to go to jail.

"Yuzuki?..." I quickly pushed Mariyu away. (Y/n) was standing a few metres away from us. The hurt look on her face was indescribable.
"Listen (Y/n), I..." I wasn't allowed to tell her, part of the conditions as well.
"Did you really love her all along?" she asked with so much hurt that I just wanted all this to end and tell her that it wasn't true.
"Of course he did," Mariyu replied then added, "Right, darling?" She eyed me. *gulp*

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in shock. She stumbled when she tried to walk away. I wanted to run to her and soothe her. I wanted to hold her in my arms. I wanted to be hers. But I couldn't. Mariyu kissed me again. (Y/n) tore her eyes away from us and ran away.

(Y/n)'s POV

How could he?! I ran back 'home' and went into my room then shut the door. I cried my heart out. Why did it feel so painful? He loved her but I still loved him. *knock knock*

"(Y/n), are you alright?" Satsuki asked.

No, I'm not. I'm hurt. Nothing they said could make me feel better. My heart had been torn to shreds and was broken, it was irreplaceable. Mirai slowly opened the door.

"Please...I need some time alone..."

He nodded and closed the door. It felt like years but was probably days that I stayed in my room. Someone came in.

"Hey (Y/n), we bought you a ticket to go to New York. Hopefully it'll help you forget about all that," Mirai exclaimed.

~Some time later~

I was at the airport with the others. I needed to go now.

"(Y/n), have fun," Noel exclaimed.
"I'll try to."

It was Yuzuki. I couldn't stand talking to him so I quickly left. I left him standing there while Mariyu caught up to him and hugged him from behind. I couldn't look at him in the eyes, it hurt too much. He gave me a scar that would never heal.

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