Chapter 6

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(A/N): Hey, just letting you guys know....I know absolutely nothing about music so these lyrics will be extremely weird and terrible since I don't know anything. Also, I don't get what a verse or chorus or whatever is so please bare in mind that this 'song' is sorta gonna be like a story. Anyway, the melody/tune is full of emotions and is sort of sad. I'm also making this up on the spot.

(Y/n)'s POV

Oh, why are you doing this to me?
I just came to this realisation
You are my only one
Even though you are not here with me anymore
I'll still love you for as long as I live
Saying goodbye to you was the hardest
I never imagined ever parting with you
So why, why did you have to leave?
I cared so much about you
So don't ever make me forget about you
Because you're my only one
My only one
I'll never get over the fact that I love you
Please come back to me
I'll continue living for your sake
But I just wish you were here with me
*repeats that*
Oh, you left me all alone
But these feelings will never be neutralised
I have and always will love you
Because you are my only one
If only you were here
I loved every memory we shared
Every day we spent together
Every second with you was full of fun
I loved you then and I'll love you now
So why did you have to leave?
Why couldn't you stay here with me?
Oh, these questions and thoughts
You are causing me lots of pain
And yet, I still love you
You are my only one (x2)
All because you are my only one
I cannot forget about you
You're all I ever think about
*repeats that*
I realised my love for you only when you left
I have received many proposals
But I'll never accept any
Because you are my only one
Please come back to me
You're the only one I need
I can't stop thinking about you
Even though you are gone, I'll still love you
So please, don't leave me alone
Because you're my only one

Mirai was the only one clapping after I finished.

"Was it really that bad?" They snapped out of their trance and shook their heads.
"Your voice is beautiful, (Y/n). We were just shocked at how amazing you were in real life," Satsuki replied.
"Oh, thanks."
"Is that what you and Noel were talking about?" Mirai asked.
"Yeah, anyway. I hope you have enjoyed that but I must get going."
"Wait-" Yuzuki suddenly said but quickly shut his mouth.
"Is something wrong?"
"Tch, damn it. You're staying with me," Yuzuki exclaimed. "
"You heard me, now come on." He grabbed my hand.
"But Yuzuki-"
"(Y/n), don't worry. Yuzu may seem rough and arrogant but he's really nice," Mirai reassured me.
"That's not it..."

Yuzuki dragged me out of the casino before I could say anything else. While we were going to his place in his car, there was an awkward silence.

"So why did you offer to let me stay at your place?"
"I don't know," he replied half-heartedly. *sigh* I just looked out the window instead. I watched as the scenery went by.

~At his suite~

"Hey Yuzuki, you really don't have to let me stay. I can just find myself-"
"I suggest you stay, I don't know why I'm letting you but it's rare that I let a random person stay here," he interrupted while I was talking.
"I'm not a random person."
"Tch, like I care."
"Geez, I'm sorry."
"Whatever, your room's at the end of the hallway so just make yourself at home." Then, a small fluffy dog came running towards Yuzuki.
"Ralph, don't tell me you spilt your food again..." Yuzuki sighed and went to clean up the mess. The dog stared at me.
"Oi (Y/n), take him for a walk."
"Uh...sure, I guess."

He threw his leash at me. I caught it and attached it to Ralph's collar. He licked my hand. I smiled and scratched behind his ears.

"Come on, let's go."

I opened the door and stepped outside. We went downstairs to the lobby and continued making our way to the gardens.

Yuzuki's POV

(Y/n) left with Ralph. *sigh* Sometimes he was too troublesome. Usually I would ask Noel to walk him but why bother when (Y/n) could just do it? Someone knocked on the door. I went to get it.

"Yuzu, where's (Y/n)?"
"She went out to walk Ralph, why?"
"Well, Noel and I snuck into her place. We were collecting all her things and wanted to surprise her...well, mostly I did and begged him to come along. You see, I know her parents don't like me but she's unwilling to give up on me. I know it must be hard for her so the least I could do is this," he replied.
"Why did you have to sneak in?"
"Her parents would freak out if they knew about her leaving."
"What are they going to do if she doesn't go home tonight?"
"Oh, Satsuki and Chihaya took care of that. They called her parents and explained to them about some important issue that came up. I didn't really pay attention."

My eyes widened. He really had it all planned. Did he really care about (Y/n) that much? Their bond was unbreakable.

"And you don't even do things like that for me?" I pretended to be hurt.
"Well, you're strong so there's no need for me to."
"I really am the best."

He just rolled his eyes and came in. He had a lot of bags. How many things did (Y/n) have?! More like, did Mirai take everything she had?!

"And yes, these are all her things," he exclaimed suddenly. My eyes widened. (Y/n) come back with Ralph. She had a shocked expression on her face.

"Mirai?!" she asked. He explained everything to her. She immediately hugged him.
"Thank you so much..." she exclaimed.

What was this feeling? Why did I want her to hug me like that? Damn it, Yuzuki. Stop thinking about useless things like this. Mirai left after a while.

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