Chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s POV

~The next day~

I was currently eating breakfast. It sort of felt weird when I ate because of my stomach. Well, I did have an operation there.

"Miss (Y/n), you have a few visitors," the nurse, Shizuo, told me.
"Let them in." Yuzuki and Mirai came in.
"Hey (Y/n)," Mirai greeted happily.
"*sigh* I can't stay for long or else the director will yell at me again for being late," Yuzuki exclaimed.
"Hey guys."
"Here." Mirai handed me a little fluffy teddy bear. I smiled.
"You're welcome, I figured you would need a 'friend'," Mirai replied.
"Seriously, Mirai? A teddy bear as a friend?" Yuzuki asked.
"What? Kotaro's my friend and he's an animal," Mirai argued.
"But he's a living thing, that's just a teddy bear," Yuzuki pointed out.
"Whatever." I giggled at their little argument.
"Well, I have to go now. Bye (Y/n)." Yuzuki left. Mirai checked his watch and frowned.
"I'm sorry but I have to go too."
"It's fine, it's not that bad by myself."
"Sorry!" He gave me a quick hug and ran off after Yuzuki. I was glad to have good friends like them. What did I do to ever deserve them?

Yuzuki's POV

Mirai came chasing after me.

"Hey Yuzu! Can I catch a ride with you?"
"I'm sorry but I'm not going to work. There's...something I need to take care of."
"Oh, nevermind then. Bye!"

He went to his bike and rode off. I headed to my car and drove to Satsuki's place. *sigh* Why did we have to talk about this? I knocked on the door. My mother opened it.

"Come in, Yuzuki."

I went inside and sat down on the couch. My father was here too. Satsuki was probably at the casino. They looked at each other.

"Yuzuki, you're getting married to Mariyu Hakiko in a few weeks (an OC)," my father said.
"Yeah, I heard from Satsuki."
"Right, so you are not going to get out of it no matter what," mother added.
"What?! Why?!"
"Yuzuki, don't shout!" father ordered.
"Why can't I talk my way out of it? I don't want to marry a stranger."
"She's a famous model and actress, she'll help us expand the company and make more money," mother explained.
"I don't want to marry her."
"Yuzuki, you haven't even met her yet so give her a chance," father said.
"Why? I've seen her on TV before and she looks fake."
"How can you say something like that about such a kind and beautiful young lady?! I've met her a few times and she's nothing like that," mother replied, clearly annoyed.
"Well, I bet you that (Y/n)'s better-"
"Wait, you're not talking about (Y/n) (L/n), are you? Her parents brought her up wrong. She's a complete mess." I breathed in and out slowly to control my anger.
"Have you even seen what she's really like?"
"She's a quiet, emotionless girl that may have mental problems." I clenched my fists. There was a knock on the door.
"Oh, that must be Mariyu," mother exclaimed. Father went to get the door.
"Oh, hello Mr and Mrs Hakiko," he greeted.
"Morning Mr Kitaoji." They came in with Mariyu. She had too much makeup on.
"Yuzuki, meet Mr and Mrs Hakiko and their daughter, Mariyu." I faked a smile. Luckily they thought it was genuine.
"Mariyu, meet Mr and Mrs Kitaoji and their son, Yuzuki." She smiled too sweetly and was already clinging onto me.
"Well, Yuzuki and Mariyu, why don't you two go talk in another room while we discuss your wedding?" father suggested and pointed to another room. We went there and closed the door.
"Yuzuki," she cooed in a seductive voice.
"Yeah?" I was completely unfazed by her behaviour.
"Don't you think I'm cute?" she asked while hugging me tightly.
"Yeah, I guess." I didn't think that at all. She attempted to kiss me but I moved away.
"Yuzuki!" she whined and pouted.
"Is something wrong?"
"Don't you like me?"
"We're going to get married soon so shouldn't we at least have our first kiss together? And it's even better alone." I rolled my eyes.
"I'm terribly sorry but I'm not interested." She just held on tighter.
"How? Everyone loves me and always send me proposals but I only have eyes for you."
"Listen Mariyu, I'm just not interested-"
"Don't tell me you love another girl? How could you? After all we've been through..."
"We just met, what do you mean 'after all we've been through'?" She tried to unbutton my shirt but I just pushed her away.
"What the hell?" She fell and pretended to cry.
"*sobs* Yuzuki? Do you really hate me?" *sigh*
"No..." Our parents came in.
"Yuzuki, what did you do?" father asked with an angry expression.
"It was her fault. How could you make me marry someone like her?" I pushed past them without looking back.
"Yuzuki-" I had already gone out the door. I got in the car and drove off to work, hoping to forget about all this.

Noel's POV

Everyone here was worried about (Y/n) and Yuzuki. She was still in hospital, completely unaware of Yuzuki's arranged marriage.

"What do you think will happen between them?" Mirai asked.
"I'm not sure but knowing Yuzuki, he'll probably fight for (Y/n)'s sake and the obvious fact that he loves her," Satsuki replied.
"True but what will (Y/n) do? How will she react to all this? She may not know it but I think she'll come to the realisation that she loves Yuzu," Mirai exclaimed.
"When should we pay her a visit?" Chihaya asked.
"Maybe sometime today."
"Does everyone have time today?" Ryoichi asked. They all nodded.
"Alright, then we better leave now," Mirai said. We all got up and left for the hospital.

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