Chapter 21

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(Y/n)'s POV

The others had gone off to bed. I was still awake, I couldn't sleep...the nightmares and that stupid scene. Why couldn't I get it out of my head?! I just sat there like a zombie. What was wrong with me? I should've just stayed put and listened to my parents like a helpless little dog.

Yuzuki would've fallen in love with Mariyu and none of this would've happened. I hugged my knees. That was when I realised that something wet slid down my cheeks. It tasted salty. Was I crying again? That thought just made me cry my heart out.

I tried to keep it quiet but I didn't know if I did. Yuzuki meant so much to me and yet, he took my heart and crushed it like it meant nothing to him. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to see him.

Mirai's POV

I heard her crying from the other side of the door. She really did miss him. I sat down and leaned my head against the door. I felt like a fool. Both my best friends were 'fighting each other' and I didn't know how to help.

Yuzuki didn't seem like himself and (Y/n) was slowly breaking down. What was I supposed to do? Why did it feel like I have to take care of this? Was it because both my best friends were involved? *sigh* I should stop thinking about this. I knocked on the door.

"Mirai, I know it's you. Please...I don't feel like talking to anyone now."
"I understand but just remember...we're here for you." She didn't say anything. I turned around and was about to walk away until I felt something tug at my sleeve.
"I..." she started off. I smiled gently at her and went inside her room. She cried into my chest.
"Something must be wrong with me. I feel so angry at Yuzuki and at myself. I don't want to see him 'try to make it up to me' but I just want to see him one last time," she exclaimed through sobs.
"I know you must be shocked but I think you should see him one last time to sort things out. It'll be terrible to leave something unfinished for the rest of your life...kinda like a ghost coming back to earth." She managed to smile.
"I don't know how to pay you always seem to help me but I never seem to be able to help you."
"That's what friends are for, right? But I'd prefer to call you sister. And just knowing that you're happy is enough to pay me back." She just sighed. My phone rang. It was from an unknown number.
"Mirai, please! Let me explain to you! I need help! Please, just listen to me. I don't have much time before Mariyu comes."
"What is it?"
"Mariyu forced me to kiss her. I didn't do it willingly but she swore to hurt (Y/n) again if I didn't and she also let the paparazzi through so I didn't have a choice. Please, meet me tomorrow at the park at 3pm sharp. Make sure no one sees you-"
"What about (Y/n)?"
"Bring her too- oh shoot, she's here. Got to go." He hung up.
"Who was that?" she asked.
"You'll see. I've made an appointment with this person tomorrow at the park at 3pm sharp. That person wants to see both of us." She looked at me with a confused, wondering who would want to see us.
"You should get some sleep." She nodded and said the same thing to me.
"Good night."
"Night Mirai." I left her room after making sure she was going to go to sleep.

(Y/n)'s POV

~The next day~

I woke up to the sound of Mirai shouting in my ear.

"Good morning, (Y/n)."
"Seriously?! That's all you wanted to tell me?!" He nodded while grinning cheekily.
"Then why'd you wake me up? You could've woken me up at 11:59am if that was all you were gonna tell me."
"(Y/n), it's only 8:30."
"So? In case you don't remember, we slept at 3:30. How are you so energetic?" He shrugged.
"Well, I'm gonna go help Noel make breakfast. Satsuki already left."

He smiled before going outside. I stretched and found a new outfit where Mirai just sat. The note read: Hope this outfit is to your liking. ~Satsuki. I smiled to myself. The things they did for me... How could I ever repay them? I changed into the outfit and went outside. I smelt burnt food.

"It wasn't my fault," Mirai argued. Noel just sighed.
"What happened?"
"He burnt the toast...and the eggs...and the bacon," Noel replied. I laughed.
"Let me help."
"Are you sure? I mean, after all that?..." I nodded.
"It's the least I can do."

Noel ordered Mirai to go do something else to occupy himself while I helped him make breakfast. Mirai's impression of doing something else was annoying us by asking 'is it ready yet?' a million times over and over again.

"Grrrr, please be quiet!"
"But I'm so hungry..." I cracked my knuckles. He backed away.

I smirked. After a few more minutes, we finally finished. Mirai cheered and gulped everything down like he hadn't eaten in days. We were both staring at him.


The rest of the day went by in a flash. It was now time to meet that mysterious person. Noel had to go to a race so he couldn't come with us.

"Mirai, who is this guy?"
"You'll find out soon." I pouted. Why wasn't he telling me? *sigh* We were only a few blocks away from the park.
"Want one?" I nodded and took the (f/f) candy.
"I stole them from Noel's secret stash of snacks." I laughed. We reached the park. I immediately froze and wanted to cry.

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