bringing back to life an old friend

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Narrator pov

Michelle was just walking by a cemetery when she heard we miss you Eric Carr if their was a way to bring you back we do it. Michelle had just walked up behind them '' I might be able to help ''  who are you '' am Michelle an I can bring back the die'' do you think you can help us then.

'' I can try but I have only brough steam engine back to life but I can try '' please do oh am Paul ,am Gene, am Tommy an am Eric singer. Michelle then said '' I need some things that he wore all the time like a necklace or jacket for his spirit might be attach to it ''  their his boyscout jacket '' that will work'' .

i go get it Paul said then he came back an hand the jacket to Michelle an Paul, Gene, Tommy an Eric Singer saw her eye's glowing white then a gate appared an she went tho it then she came back out . Michelle had in her hands Eric Carr spirit for it was orange an black then a circle appared arounf her '' Paul hand me his jacket '' an Paul did '' summon the one taken before his time back to life an for the world to not know about his death .

Michelle pov

I was using a lot of my power to Bringing Eric Carr back to life then he was standing in front of his old friends I started to fell weak Tommy saw I was looking pale then I blacked out. I felt someone pick me up lets get out of here I could not tell who said it but I fell strong arms holding me close then they layed me down on some thing solf I started to come to then I saw the band kiss siting be side me.

thank you for what you did Tommy said to me but i could not speak right away so i wrote on my phone no problem but i cant talk right now side fact of my powers well you just rest Michelle Paul said so i layed back down. shh Gene you wont to wake her Eric Singer said then i woke up to find no one around so i left them a note dear kiss am sorry to run like this but i have to be going  i have other ghost to help an lay to rest or bring back .

i then slipped out the back door but they came looking for me i felt them come to were i hang out a lot an old abandon amusement park buy the merry go round  but i wont to have some fun with them. Michelle are you here " if you wont to find me then play my game i left a clue for you all to figure out"  then i saw from a round the corner  i saw them find the clue an Paul read it.

Paul pov

as i read the clue it said you will find the next clue by a ride that rides on water  we then went looking for that ride there it is the log ride Eric Carr said an there the next clue an it said you are getting close to finding me guys but this is a place that scares kids oh that easy the haunted house. we went there an found the clue  this is the last clue guys for you are really close this is a ride that goes around an around in the air  the fairs wheel Tommy said when we got there we looked around for Michelle.

i then saw a note an it said look up what dose that mean Gene said so we all looked up an saw her siting on one of the beams " took you all long enough " she said an jumped down what was with all the clues Michelle  i asked " it just a little game i like to play with my friends back home " . " why "she asked us we like you to stay an help us with some case " i guess i can " she said great an Eric Carr hugged her " okay you can put me down now please " oh sorry he said " well i need to be going to my hotel for the night" .

we then watched her leave an  the next morning we went to find her hotel an the man at the front desk said room 13 of course it had to be room 13 an un luckey number. But considering what Michelle dose for a living it makes since I then knocked on her door an she opened the door " come in guys I was just about to video call my dad " I saw her laptop it was blue nice laptop " thanks" .

Narrator pov

" It makes finding out about ghost a lot easier for me"  they then heard a little theme song " oh that my dad"  then she answered " hi daddy no am not come back home remember I left to help people with ghost problem hey that not my fault thomas is mopping because I left but are you around thomas yes put him on" . "Thomas I know you can hear me I promise I will come back and vist but please stay out of trouble an soundtrack I won't you too keep an eye on him" you beat Michelle she said " well I have to go bye everyone an Gordon, James an Henery if my dad tells me you are not shuntting I will come back to put you in the out of use siding for a month" .

" That not a threat you three it a promise " then she ended the call " so what can I help you guys with today " well we won't to get to know you better Michelle Paul said. So we came to see if you would join us for breakfast '' sure '' then she grabbed her phone an wallet an they left.

So Michelle where are you from '' don't laugh at me But am from the island of sodor ''  really Eric Singer said '' yea'' she said so besides the hole ghost thing what do you do for fun '' hum I guess taking a long walk or when am back home taking a ride on my father engines'' . Oh so do you have a boyfriend Eric Carr asked her an Michelle spited her drink out '' well to tell you the truth I had a boyfriend but I found out he was cheating on me '' WHAT they all said yea then her phone rang '' well speak of the devil '' put him on speaker Tommy said what do you want Dale.

Eric Carr pov

Please give me another chance Michelle '' NO Dale I will not am going to find some one who knows how to treat a lady '' you are no lady Michelle your a freak hey that no way to talk to a lady who the hell are you am Eric Carr . '' You know what Dale I reather date Eric Carr here then you'' why because he a rock star '' no because he knows how to treat a lady now good bye'' .

Did you mean that Michelle '' yes I did Eric Carr '' I then kissed her check an Michelle blushed bright red then we went to the park for a while. We then had to go get ready for the concert we are doing an Michelle has front row seats an then Paul had her come up on stage an she was having the time of her life.

I wounder how old she is but I know you never ask a lady that but she looks so young maybe she in her twenties after the concert we all went out to eat.  So Michelle just how old are you '' how old do you think I am Eric Carr '' you look  to like  in your twenties '' well you be right am 25 an am immoral too guys '' .

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