going back home for a visit

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Narrator pov

Michelle was packing her things up when there was a knock on her door  '' it open '' an in walked Paul, Gene, Tommy, Eric Singer an Eric Carr what going on Michelle Tommy askes. '' am going home for a visit guys an their a ghost I have to deal with '' well we don't have any concerts this month or next month so we will come with you '' great your going to love the island guys'' .

They helped Michelle load up her stuff an were off of the airport an to their private jet '' wow''  Michelle said an the guys just smiled at her '' Oh here Eric Carr before I for get it my cell phone number'' . he Kiss her thanks Michelle then her phone rang an she put it on speaker hello our wee laisse '' oh my god Donald and Douglas is that you ''  it us.

Who are they Michelle we are her engines an we all can't wait to see you again wee laisse '' am not little any more Donald and Douglas see you two soon '' . So you own your own steam engines '' yes me an my dad saved them from being cut up for scrap an they are my favorite engines ''.


I could see that Michelle an Eric Carr were injoying being around each other I then saw Michelle asleep on Eric Carr shoulder an he had his arm around her.  I was looking out the window an saw an island came into view I gently woke Michelle up '' hum'' she said then she woke up I told her we are getting ready to land.

Once we landed an got off to jet we heard two whistles '' I know those whistles '' an we turned around to see two black steam engines '' DONALD AND DOUGLAS '' Michelle said we then got into the couches. I told Michelle you were right Michelle your home island is beautiful '' thanks guys '' then we came to a station an got off then we thanked the engines for the ride an they puffed away.

'' Now''  Michelle said '' I need to go an get reid of this ghost an I know just the engine to take us there '' who Michelle I asked '' Henry '' an we saw a big shed behind the station. We walked there '' hello Henry '' Michelle what are you doing back home '' I've come to deal with the ghost of Mr. Wellington up at the top station would you please take me there Henry '' of course Michelle.

Michelle pov

Once we got to the top station I went to where the station once stud an waited for night fall an the mist rolled in '' all right Mr. Wellington I know you are here '' I could tell that my friends were a little nervous about me calling out the ghost.  when he appeared I said '' you are not welcome here Mr. Wellington it time for you to move on '' I had my special locket necklace in my hand an I opened it an sucked Mr. Wellington into it '' now you can be at peace '' I then turned to the guys.

What happened to Mr. Wellington  ghost Eric Singer asked '' he was pulled in to my locket on my necklace it was my mother's an now it mine an it my job to help ghost an seal evil ones away'' .  '' Came on I won't to show you all something Henry the engine grave yard please '' an he pulled the couch there an once he stopped we all got off '' thank you Henry that is all you may go'' .

What is this place Michelle Gene asked '' the engine grave yard but follow me '' an we all went into the building an we  saw photos of all the ghost that Michelle has helped an sealed away.  What is that noise Michelle '' give it up Timothy you are not going to break those chains'' an Michelle pulled open the curtain to reveal a photo of Timothy I will get out '' don't count on it Timothy those chains are made from the strongest steel on earth''.

Gene pov

We all were looking at the photos of all the ghost Michelle has helped  when I asked her who this Michelle '' that me, my mother an father you see guys my mother was doing this before I was old enough to take over for her ''. Wow I said but how did you become immoral '' I was blessed by by an old woman here on the island with th the gift of immortality and I can be stow that gift on anyone I choose would you all like to be immoral like me '' she asked us.

Yes we would Michelle then a blue Circle appeared around us what going on '' just releax guys '' an we saw Michelle was glowing an blue light shoot from her to us an we all started to feel different '' now''  she said '' you all are immoral ''.

I saw Michelle was leaning against the wall breathing hard are you okay Michelle Paul asked '' yea just need to rest that took a lot out of me '' she said before she fell I catch her then we heard Michelle are you here '' it soundtrack '' she in here I called who are you an what have you done to Michelle. '' Soundtrack they are my friends '' Michelle said in a weak voice she made us immoral just like her should have know she said well lets get her home so she can rest soundtrack said an we claim in the couches.

Tommy pov

When Gene layed Michelle down on the seat of the couch Eric Carr was by her side in no time holding her as she sleept then her phone rang I answered it hello sorry Michelle can't come to the phone she asleep.  Who was that Tommy Eric singer asked her father oh then I saw Michelle has torn her shirt an we all see an old scar on her side.

Wounder how that happened soundtrack was puffing down the line until she stopped at a signle Michelle then woke up in Eric Carr arms hey Michelle where did that scar on your side came from '' I don't want to talk about it guy's '' she said.  Sorry did not mean to up set you '' it okay but it happen a long time ago don't worry about it '' then soundtrack pulled into the station an we all got off an went to Michelle home wow '' yea she said I have my own house ''.

'' Make your selves at home guys'' an Michelle went to the kitchen an came back with drinks for us thanks Michelle we said '' no problem '' then she sat down an we all were looking around when Eric Carr said you guys have to see this.  we all came to were he was '' oh you found my music room '' we can see every kind of music instrument you can think of in here we saw Michelle go over to something coverd up an pulled the cover off '' this was my brother drumm set'' .

Michelle pov

What happened to him  Michelle Eric Singer asked '' he was killed by a drunk driver excuse me '' an I ran out of there crying Michelle Eric Carr said wait but I did not stop until the got to my truck. MICHELLE an I turned around to find the guys behind me were sorry we asked '' it not your fault but today is the day my brother was killed it all ways hard for me '' then we all got in my truck for it's an extended cab pickup.

I stopped at the flower shop hey Michelle the lady at the desk said I have your flowers right here '' thanks '' then I got back in my truck an we went to the cemetery.  We all walked over to my brother gave for it was under a weeping willow tree I layed the flowers on his grave '' I miss you little brother I can't brang my self to get rid of your drumms''.

I though I heard my brother voice laughing what wrong Michelle Paul asked '' I thought I heard my brother voice laughing '' then I looked up at the sky an I was shocked for in the clouds was my brother and mother watching over me an the guys saw this.  I smile happy to know my brother is watching over me we then got back in my truck an left for home an that night the guys stayed with me '' night guys '' good night Michelle they said.

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