concert /ice skating rink ghost/ ex boyfriend

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Narrator pov

Michelle was running around like a crazy person looking for her custom an doing her make-up when she was grabbed from behind will you calm down Michelle Paul said'' I can't she'' said ''this is my first time playing with you guys''.  Just relax Michelle you will be fine an we all are going to be on stage with you Eric Carr said then he kissed her then they all went out on stage but Michelle was so nervous all right we are introducing a new member of the band please welcome Michelle the wolf.

An then she went out on stage an stud next to Eric Carr an Eric Singer on drums for she was in the middle an they played a couple of songs then the concert ended then they went back to the hotel they are staying at an Michelle got out of her costume then she took her make-up off . What did you think of your first time playing with us Michelle ''it was great guys'' then her phone rang ''hello yes this is her what were okay thank you guys we got a ghost call'' where at Michelle ''an old closed ice skating rink that is being torn down''.

Well let go Tommy said who hold on guys Paul said an Michelle got on her laptop an looked up the ice skating rink ''it said that when the rinks was first opened strange things where happening like lights blowing as soon as the lights were turned on then the place catch on fire''.  Whoo Eric singer said ''then the body of the owner was found die but his killer was never found'' then they all packed up an went out to Michelle truck an went to the closed down ice skating rink ''there was something out on the ice'' an Michelle skated out to get it an then she came back it was a ring.


''There was someone name on the inside of the ring ''we all were looking for anything out of the original at the ice skating rink when I heard Paul yell for all of us an I came running '' move Paul'' an he did I moved the boards an found a secret door. when i opened it we all where hit with cold air I then got out my stun gun flashlight an we all went down the steps ''be careful guys'' when we got to the bottom i started to smell something awful but I turned to find Paul, Gene, Tommy, Eric Singer an Eric Carr all throwing up.

'' Light weights'' how come you did not throw up Michelle ''strong stomach'' we continue then we all heard a ghost cry that said go back now are you will meet your fate ''show your self now ghost'' an i went to open my locket when i felt I could not move. ''Guys I can't move this ghost is all yours'' an i watched as they sealed the ghost away an once the ghost was sealed away I could move again we keep walking then I saw bones I then called the police am we went back up to meet them.

An we went back down an the police MD took the human remains away an then we watched as the old Ice skating rink was knocked down then we left to get a drink I then told the guys ''I feel like partying'' that not a bad idea Michelle. We then went to the hotel an the roadie and some girls were waiting for the guys but Eric Carr stayed by me  ''why aren't you partying Eric Carr ''then he said I saw you sitting by yourself Michelle so i figure i join you.

Eric Carr pov

After the hole ghost thing at the ice skating rink we went back to the hotel an partied an i saw Michelle was all by herself so i went an joined her an she asked me why I was not partying with the others I saw you sitting by yourself Michelle so i figure i join you. ''You really are a sweetheart you know that Eric Carr ''she said an kissed me an i kissed her on the lips then we went to our room an Michelle shower an change for bed i held her in my arms as we sleep.

In the morning i woke up an Michelle was still in my arms then i saw a scar on her back an it looks like it was recent an it was scabbed over too an when i touch it she woke up ''what are you doing Eric Carr ''why did you not tell me about the scar on your back '' because it know of your business''. ''am sorry if I was mean Eric Carr it just i ran into my ex boyfriend Dale an he cut me on my back'' HE DID THIS TO YOU MICHELLE AM GOING TO HURT HIM ''no don't Eric Carr i don't wont to see you get hurt'' then we went to find the others what with you Michelle your two quite Paul said.

I then told them what Michelle ex boyfriend did to her an to say they were mad was an understatement wait till i get my hands on him Gene said an then we all saw him coming this way an Michelle stayed bye me an Eric singer while Paul, Gene an Tommy stud in front of us. I won't Michelle hand her over she is not going anywhere with you Dale an Gene hall off an hit him in the face an Paul kicked him in the back while Tommy picked him up then me an Eric singer punched him in the gut Don't you ever come near Michelle again or you will get more of the same.

Tommy pov

After Dale left we all went walking around the town when we all saw Michelle heading down some old railroad tracks so we followed her down the line Michelle were are you going'' i don't know all i know is i hear a train whistle calling to me''.  We all were walking down the line when Michelle just stop an we all saw why it was a stream engine in a siding all rusty anit was  in really bad shape an we all walked over to it an Michelle climbed up in the cab of the engine.

So we all climbed up what are you doing Michelle ''i think i can get this engine running again'' she checked the gauges an she found that the engine had a full blower of water then she shoveled some coal into the firebox an she started the fire. Wow you did it Michelle you got the engine running again she smiled at me, Paul, Gene, Eric Singer an Eric Carr  then she pulled out her cell phone an she called her father an told him about the steam engine an he said i will send some people to pick up the engine my duagther.

Then we all went back to the hotel an to bed an in the morning Michelle was back to her self an she was listing to her music on her laptop when Eric Carr took Michelle to a little chapel an we all were there an they got married an i can see just how happy they both were now.  Then we went out to celebrate their wedding then we went back to the hotel an Michelle laptop was blinking an it was a video call from her father ''ih daddy me an Eric Carr are married now'' that great my duagther we all wish you both the best of luck with your new life.

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