telling the guys about Timothy

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Narrator pov

The guys asked Michelle how did timothy be come a ghost an she stopped what she was doing and looked at them '' do you really won't to know'' yes they said '' okay but you have been worn''.

an Michelle began the story.

'' Early one night, there was a steam engine waiting at the docks to take his passengers home'' . ''He had a similar shape like Thomas with six small wheels except he was painted sliver and had the number zero on his side'' . '' His name was Timothy ''. '' He was an old but kind engine with broad smile and wrinkles at the end of his mouth''.'' All of the passengers climbed on board the coaches and guard blew his whistle''.

"All steam ahead Timothy!" call out the driver.

"Sure thing!" replied Timothy.

''And with that, the little engine set off''. ''Timothy was soon puffing down the line in the countryside, with the rails humming and the carriages clattered behind him''. ''The moon was full, the signals were down and the wind was blowing gracefully''. ''As they approach the first station... it happened''. ''The driver applied the brakes but Timothy kept on going and shot passed the station''.'' He started going faster and faster''.

"Timothy! What are you doing?!" shouted his driver.

''Timothy didn't answer''. ''He just kept on going. Suddenly they were switched onto the wrong line, heading away from the mainline''.''Then the driver and fireman saw in horror that they were heading towards a cliff where a viaduct was to be built''.

"TIMOTHY DON'T! YOU WILL KILL US ALL!" screamed the driver.

''The and the fireman scrambled and fiddled with the controls, desperately trying their best to stop him but it was not use''. ''Timothy had a very scary but angry, evil and aggressive look, his eyes were black with tiny red ires with zombie like teeth''.

"I'M GONNA SEND YOU ALL THE GRAVEYARD!!!!" '' he bellowed in a deep demonic voice as he charged to the edge of the cliff''. ''Timothy crashed through the blockade and he, along with his crew, the coaches and passengers fell to their deaths below''.

''There was no eye witnesses and no survivors''... ''the wreck was found by the workmen but they couldn't identify who the engine was due to being blown up and charred''. ''When investigates came, they had very little evidence to go on''. ''But the bodies of both driver and fireman were found and they thought that they had tried to save the locomotive and the passengers but couldn't in time''. ''Investigators ruled it as a normal tragic train accident with mechanical failure to the controls as the course of the crash''.

''Years later, the construction the viaduct was commenced''... ''however after the rails where laid and the final works to it were being made, many workmen and railway staff reported seeing a ghost train rushing by, whistling fit to burst and cursing in a demonic voice before screaming into the darkness and disappearing''. ''But these supernatural occurrences did not come often''. ''However many witnesses didn't know that it was the ghost of Timothy, haunting the viaduct but nobody really knew whether to believe it or not''... ''but it was, according to those who had heard about the story''.

''And every year on the date of his of suicidal accident, Timothy runs again, as warning to others, plunging into gap, shrieking like a lost soul''... the guys were horrified by what Michelle just told them an guys Michelle said ''their is a resin why that story was never told'' why they asked ''because it was to scary for  children to hear an if they heard the story it would give them nightmares''.

''Then when I capture him i sealed him away for good'' wow Tommy said indeed Paul, Gene, Eric Singer an Eric Carr said but why did he ''do it  no one knows what made Timothy finally snap like that guys''.

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