West Virginia State fair an Shawnee lake amusement park ghosts

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Narrator pov

Michelle know that the West Virginia fair was coming up soon so she was paking up her stuff when her husband Eric Carr the Fox asked her what are you doing my lovely Vixen " packing my stuff up because we all are going to the West Virginia Fair an my family is origanal from West Virginia " sweet i will go tell the guy's Eric Carr said an Michelle had to smile for she was thinking about her friend Stephanie Hill that lives in West Virginia an she knows about a huanted amusment park the shawnee lake amusment park that has been shut down since 1966. the guy's all came to see Michelle an they saw her on he hp laptop talking to her friend an she told her i will be there in a week for the West Virginia Fair an am branging some friends with me an i think you might know who they are see you soon * big sister* then she turned around an saw the guy's " you all ready to hit the road " yea we were just waiting on you Michelle Gene said " well let's get going then " an she grabbed her laptop bag an they went out to her truck an Eric Carr rode up front so Michelle Paul asked Eric Carr told us about the shawnee lake amusment park that has been shut down since 1966.

" yea a few death's have happened at that park the youngest was a six year old little girl in a white dress she was on the swing ride when a truck backed right into the path of the swing's an she was killed " she looked in the rear view mirror an saw the look's on there face's " an it said that the owner has heard the sound of war drumm's being played at night an seeing ghost wandering around the ground's at night two an they an have found body's of native amarican's bured on the park's ground's". wow Eric Singer said " yea it was a lot of blooded shead when a settler desided to builed a homested on the gound's an the native amarican's did not like that so they killed his family an he went an got revange for his family ever since then a lot of weird thing's have been happing at that park until the closed down in 1966 " they drove tho virginia then they stopped at a hotel for the night them they were back on the road then they saw the sign for West Virginia then they came to their hotel an they went to their room's.

the guy's all came to Michelle an Eric Carr room an they saw Michelle doing a video call with her friend that live's here West Virginia then they hear " i will see you when you get her Stephanie " then they ended the video call who was that you were talking to Michelle Mark asked " that was my friend Stephaine Hill she knows a lot about the shawnee lake amusment park an she has agreed to go with us to help lay the ghost's to rest an maybe they will reopen the park in the futuer " i dout that Paul said if it been closed since 1966 it going to stay closed spoile sport Tommy said an Michelle had to laugh at that. Michelle then heard a knock on their room door an she she opened it standing their was her friend Stephanie an she came in " guy's an my Huaband i like you to meet my best friend an big sister as we like to call each other big sister an little sister Stephanie an she is the drummer in her own band an her stage name is catgirl an yes i know what your thinking Paul an she choose for her love of cat's another reason i will not say why " an Michelle saw the way Eric Singer was looking at her best friend an she saw the way Stephanie was looking at him an she wispheterd to her husband " that is the reason i was talking about she has a crush on Eric Singer".

Stephanie pov

i can not believe that my best friend Michelle is friend's with the band Kiss i was then snapped out of my thought's when Paul said so Stephanie Michelle said you know alot about the shawnee lake amusment park that has been shut down since 1966 yes i do Paul The land was home to the Shawnee Native American tribe until 1783 european pioneer Mitchell Clay attempted to settle the land with his family in 1783, resulting in a violent and brutal war between both Clay and the Shawnee tribe While Mitchell Clay was hunting one day, the Shawnee attacked his family; scalping and killing his youngest son, Bartley, immediatelyMitchell's daughter. and middle child, Tabitha, tried to save her younger brother but was knifed to death during the struggleMitchell's oldest son and oldest child, Ezekiel, was kidnapped and taken back to the Shawnee reservation where he was burned at the stake (No report on what happened to Mitchell's wife though it is presumed she was also killed in line with her two youngest children) When Mitchell returned home from hunting and found his family murdered, he sought the help of other pioneers (settlers) to seek vengeance.

Shortly after burying his children (and wife, presumably), Mitchell murdered and killed several of the Shawnee that had attacked his familyAs many as 3,000 Shawnee are believed to be buried in the grounds of the amusement park; many dead at the hands of Mitchell Clay while others died of illness and disease (not in relation to Mitchell Clay) the vengeful spirits, angered by the retribution of Mitchell Clay, and the disease or illness that took their own or their loved ones lives are said to haunt the grounds In the 1920s, a man named Conley T. Snidow purchased the land and turned it into an amusement park.Ride attractions included a Ferris wheel and a spinning chair swing ride; boating was also a welcomed activity on a larger pond while a smaller pond offered and acted as a swimming pool those who did not bring a swimsuit with them for swimming could rent a wool swimsuit for ten cents. As a treat for the park-goers, Snidow would filter spring water through sand in a large tank so that (by his slogan) people could "boat and swim in drinking water" crowds were drawn to the park every summer until the first of two mysterious deaths occurred woman dropped her son at the park to spend the day one morning and returned later to pick him up; however he was nowhere to be foundafter searching the grounds, the body of her young son (believed to be around 11 years old) was found floating in the swimming pool; dead from drowning after reportedly getting his arm caught in a drain pip Snidow quickly had the pool filled in with sand and no one ever spoke of the death again until another mysterious death occurred.

A young girl (believed to be between the age of 10 or 12) was riding the spinning swing ride when a delivery truck for one of the food stands backed into the pathway of the swing she was in; she was killed instantly lake Shawnee Amusement Park became reputed for its bloody past and its noted deaths; forcing it to close in 1966 the Ferris wheel and swings were deserted, rusting down and becoming overgrown with weeds until 1985 Gaylord White purchased the land in 1985, with the park remains included after a few repairs and improvements, he reopened the park and brought it back to its glory however, he was forced to close it in 1988 due to the evident presence of paranormal energy and activity. White reported seeing the young girl who was killed on the swing ride; wandering the park in a ruffled pink dress and covered in blood he also reported hearing the sounds of the Shawnee chants echoing through the trees surrounding the park grounds other reports include the sound of children laughing, a little girl's voice saying what some have thought were the words "play with me" along with the creaking of the chains attached to the swings and the swings seeming to move on their own concrete remains from the smaller pond that was used for swimming before being filled in are still visible along with the large tank that contained the sand where Snidow once filtered the water.

Eric singer pov

Stephanie was sitting by me while she countioned to tell us about the shawnee lake amusment Park Orbs, apparitions, and other paranormal phenomena have been reported and some captured on camera by park visitors as the White family now opens the park for tours to those who are interested and for what they call a "Dark Carnival" every October in 2015, a visitor captured the shadowy image of what appears to be a person standing next to the stone monument placed in honor and memory of Clay's two youngest children; Tabitha and Bartley. wow we all said i then saw Michelle smiling is that were we are going Michelle " yes Eric Singer an Stephanie is coming with us " i then saw her looking at Michelle " Stephanie " she said " how would you like to joine our ghost hunting team " i saw her jumpe at the changed yes " grreat you just need something i can cast the spell on to caputer the ghost in " well i have a locket an she showed Michelle " Gene can you find me that book please " sure Michelle he said here you go then she cast the spell then we all left for the shawnee lake amusment Park .

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