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Mark pov

when we got to the Shawnee lake amusment park Michelle said " since there is more of us now here is how we are going to pair up " all right we said " Me an Eric Carr , Stephanie an Eric singer , Paul an Gene an Tommy an Mark " now that we were paired up we took hand hald radio's an took a park of the park while me an Tommy were checking our sectioned when i stopped what is it Mark don't you hear that it sound's just like drumms then we saw a ghost the of a six year old little girl coverd in blood saying play with me an i was freaking out it okay Mark Tommy said then she was gone am going to call Michelle . i got on my radio ( Michelle we just ran into the ghost of the little girl that was killed her an she wanted us to play with her " did you help her cross over " no she dissappared before we could " all right we are on the way to were you two are") we did not have to wait long for the other's to come then we all saw the ghost of the little girl again an Michelle walked right up to her " this is no place for a sweet little girl like you it time to cross over your family is waiting on the other side for you " an she opened her locket an the little girl went into it.

wow Michelle me an Stephanie said an she just smiled at us we all stayed together when we came to the small pool were people could swim then we saw the ghost of the little boy that drowned in the smaller pool i then saw Paul open the box we use " nicely done Paul " Michelle said thanks Michelle he said an she smiled then we heard the war drumm's again then we saw the ghost's of the Shawnee that are buried here " is everyone ready " were ready Michelle " then open your box an Stephanie open your locket " an Michelle opened her's an the ghost were pulled into them then we saw the ghost's of the Clay family smiling at us an Michelle walked over to them an she opened her locket an they went in. while we were still at the old abandoned Shawnee lake amusment park we desided to check the place out but we stayed together while we walked tho the old an forgoten park we came to the fairs wheel an it was all rusty an over grown an to see it was a site to be hold but we all saw Michelle was smiling " this re minds me of the time me an my dad Sir Topham Hat re builded a rusty steam enging a new body a long time ago " wow we all said then her husband Eric Carr kissed her an pulled her into a hugg then we all heard a whistle Me, Paul, Gene, Eric Carr, Tommy, Eric Singer an Stephanie all saw the look on her face then we took off running after her MICHELLE STOP " NO MARK I HAVE TO FIND THAT STEAM ENGINE FOR I KNOW THAT WHISTLE " .

we all soon catch up to her an we followed her then we came up on the rusty remains of a steam enigne then Michelle pulled the weed's off the tender an she gasped then she started to cry Vixen Eric Carr asked what wrong " i know this engine i thought he had been scraped along time ago but i was wrong " an she layed her hand on the rusty remains' an she layed her hand on the rusty remain's " goodbye my old friend " then when she took her hand away they hole rusty steam engine started to glow then we heard i have been waiting along time to see you again Michelle but not like this Eric Singer catch Stephanie for she jumped when the engine spoke an Michelle was laughing like crazy at her best friend. how are you not scared Michelle Stephanie asked " hmm the fact i grow up on an island of talking train's, cars, bus's an plane's help's Stephanie " Michelle said wow i did not know that about you Michelle then we saw her looking at the rusty engine an he said i know you would come to find me but i did not know it would talk this long for you to come " am sorry my old friend but it time you crossed over all your friends are waiting for you on the other side " then this is goodbye Michelle an she nooded an opened her locket an he went inside then she closed her locked an her husband walked over to her an hugged her.

Michelle pov

" it never easy to say goodbye to a friend when i have to help their ghost cross over " i told the guy's we were still at the Shawnee lake amusment park an there just so happens to be some train tracks a little way's from the park an we were just following the track's when we came up on a train graveyard i was walking around the train graveyard when i saw something moving in the shed so i grabbed my gun. My husband , Paul , Gene, Tommy , Eric Singer , Mark an Stephanie saw this an she pulled out her hand gun two " you thinking what am thinking Stephanie " i sure am Michelle " all right who ever is in there come on out or we will open fire this is your last warning " then a black cat jumped out of the shed an we put or guns up an countioned to walk around then we all heard a long a lonsome whistle an we saw a black steam engine sitting on the track's with steam coming from under neath it but there was something evil about this train then it hit me " GUY'S RUN NOW I WILL EXPLAIN LATER BUT WE NEED TO GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE".

what was that Michelle "ever hear the song long black train " yea why " well that was the train in the song it nothing but evil" uh Michelle Eric Singer said it rightbe hind you i then turnan had my locket opened an sucked the long black train into it an sealed him away nicley done my Vixen an my husband hugged an kissed me " now let's go back to the hotel an rest up it been a long day ".

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