Chapter 1

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"Earth to Miranda!" Claire called out to me waving her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry!" I laugh nervously.

"What were you even doing?" She asks me. Oh you don't want to know, I think to myself as I look at the ghost making faces behind her. He is adorable and he keeps making these ridiculous faces at me from the stool behind Claire. I've never seen him before. There are only a few ghost in the small town I live in. I know them all, they just don't know I know them.

But this guy he was new. And he was cute. Like really cute. I had just been studying him for quite a while. I didn't know if he knew I could see him. He had been making faces at the whole class, not just me. I had tried my best not to laugh, but the face he pulled next had me burst out laughing and Claire gave me a quizzical looks, and the guy looked over at me shock on his face.

"Sorry again. I just remembered something." I giggle looking right at Claire. Not wanting the ghost to catch me staring at him.

"What was it?" Claire asks.

"What?" I ask twirling my hair around my finger, a habit I've had since I was little.

"What did you remember?" She presses.

"Oh, nothing." I said looking up at the clock to check what time it was. Almost 2:30 the final bell of the day rang at 2:37. I sighed there was about 10 minutes left of class. We weren't even doing anything! Mrs. Randalf was just staring at her computer. Probably watching porn or something. Like I know that's kinda mean to think, but we all know that it's true. I mean this is high school. I can think whatever I want, it's my senior year. I'm almost an adult.

"Okay, well I was thinking that since your so great at filling out college applications, I could come over and you could help me?" Claire asked, basically inviting herself over. She does this all the time, and it annoys the crap out of me. But she's my best friend and I don't know what I'd so without her, so I agree and tell her to come over at 5.

"Great, could you drive me home as well?" She says giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Don't I always?" I question her and she grins at me as she gets up and walks over to her on and off boyfriend Darryl. I sigh, sometimes I think she is only using me.

With my newly freed time I study the ghost some more. He is sitting on the table in the corner of the room with his chin in his hands. Right when I look at him, he looks at me. His eyes light up.
I look away quickly. I've never had a ghost notice me. No ghost knows I can see them. I'm not sure I want that to happen.

Too late. Soon the ghost is sitting in Claire vacant seat staring straight at me as I stared straight at my science binder, drawing patterns into the front cover.

"Can you see me?" The ghost asked in a voice loud. Too loud. I jumped slightly but just played it off as a shiver.

"You can." He says softer. His voice masculine and raspy with a slight accent. But I try to ignore the gorgeous ghost in front of me.

"Please, I know you can see me. I could see your energy. I knew you were different." He says catching me off guard. He could see my energy? What does that even mean?

"It's bright. Like really bright." He observes me. Just then the bell rings. That was a surprisingly quick 10 minutes.

I get up and walk out into the hall. I guess Mrs. Randalf decided on no homework. If she did then I didn't grab it.

Suddenly the ghost beside me yells loud in my ear, so loud that I drop my books and cover my ears. The lights dim and everyone stops in their tracks.

He's using all the energy in the hall. Suddenly the yelling stopped and the lights returned to normal. I picked up my books and walked to my locker. What the hell was that for?

"Acknowledge me, or I will do that again." He says. Oh I get it now.

Well obviously he already knows I can see him, but no other ghost has ever talked to me. They never tried. Never caught me looking at them. He was different, and maybe that means I should be different than usual around him.

Well I'm going to talk to a ghost sooner or later, I guess sooner is okay.

I turn to face him, his smile glowing, his eyes were a bright green. So exotic and laced with kindness. His jawbone was perfectly chiseled. His hair a dark blonde almost brunette but not quite. He almost seemed like a normal person except for the fact he was slightly transparent and his figure faded in and out with energy waves.

"So you've come to your senses." His smile grows even more, it's kinda lopsided and goofy, but quite adorable. I could stare at it all day but if I don't get out of the school now I'll be locked in.

"Miranda! Your driving me home right?" She asks walking right through the ghost and then sneezing. I laugh at the boys grossed out face and she looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Yeah, yeah. I am, let's go." I say before turning around and heading toward the stairs that lead to the front door to the school.

"Can I tag along?" The ghost asks me, as if he wouldn't in the first place. I just nod my head slightly at him.

"This is going to be interesting." He says his smile turning into a smirk.

"Claire, call your Mom and see if you can come over at 5, so I know now instead of when you don't tell me and just show up." I demand Claire, so I have a few minutes to talk to this ghost guy.

"Yeah, yeah." She says pulling her phone out and dialing her moms number. I wait until I hear her mom pick up, then I whisper to the ghost guy.


"Why what?"

"Why will it be interesting?" I whisper, almost in audible.

"Oh it just will." He smirks.

"Ohmigod just tell me." I harshly whisper.

"Tell you what?" Claire asks as she hangs up her white iPhone.

"Are you coming over or not?" I glare at ghost guy, who is standing at my car door.

"Yes ma'am." She jokes.

"You know you can whisper to me in your mind." I hear ghost guy's voice in my head.

How the hell do I do that? I think to myself.

"You just did sweetheart." Ghost Guy says and my heart swells at his use of the word 'sweetheart'. I'm sure anyone's heart would, considering he's so fricken hot. I hope he didn't just hear that.

"Okay, so I'll only let you come home with me if you answer one question." I tell him seriously, in my mind.

"And what's that?"

"So tell me, what's your name?" I ask tilting my head and climbing in my car, looking at him through the review mirror.

"Lucius." He laughs. Making his smile grow bright and his eyes fill with a type of happiness. How can someone look so happy? I wonder to myself.

"Lucius, Well this should be interesting." I say, before realizing he just said the same exact thing less that a minute ago.

I mentally face palm myself, before starting the car and heading to Claire's house.


AN: His name isn't Luscious, well it is but the way you say it is like "Loo-sh-us" anyways this is a Freewrite. I'm not even sure if I'm going to continue it. And I don't know what's going to happen. It's not my first book, but the only one that I'm going to actually try to make good and keep. I've deleted all my other ones. So I guess it sorta is my firs book. Anyways... Vote and comment I guess? Kay cool. IM SORRY IF THERE ARE SPELLING ERRORS. & IM SORRY IF IT SUCKS. && IM SORRY ITS SO SHORT.

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