Chapter 9

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"Wake up sleeping beauty." I hear Luscious voice pull me from unconsciousness. I moan and then roll over.

"You have to go to school." Luscious says in a sing-songy voice. I respond with another groan.

"I don't have to go" He says and I can literally hear his smirk. So instead of getting up or groaning again I just flip him off.

"Wow very mature." He mutters.

"Will you shut up?" I ask turning over to face him.

"You should be well rested, your slept for about 14 hours." He says.

"Well I'm still tired." I say sitting up straight. But I must have sat up to fast because I get light headed. I shut my eyes tight and then put my hand on the side of my head.

"You okay?" Luscious asks, and I feel his presence get closer. It's funny because before I could barely tell if he was present, but now the sense of him being near me is so strong. It's like the longer I sped time the better our connection is.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say standing up and looking at my clock, 6:00 exactly. He got me up ten minutes early. I could be sleeping!

"Why did you wake me up this early?" I ask heading to my closet to find something to wear.

"You slept for 14 hours, I think me, waking up ten minutes early is acceptable." He says sitting down in my futon.

"Get out." I say bluntly, he's already irritating me and it's only 6 in the morning.


"Out!" I say sternly and watch as he leaves my room, through the wall I may add.

I get dressed into some high waisted jeans and a dull orange crop top, along with a brown camono with tribal skulls all over it.

I take my hair out of the bun that I had put it in yesterday. An fortunately it's in natural waves and I don't have to do anything with it. Still I put a braid on either side of my face and pull them back clipping them together at the back of my head.

Then I quickly brush my teeth and put on light makeup, then I head downstairs. Luscious greets me with a giant smile.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask pulling out some cereal.

"I don't know." He says looking at the wall. I tilt my head wondering what he might have been thinking of. But who really knows?

"What is that?" Luscious asks pointing at my camono.

"It's a camono." I say putting milk and cereal into a bowl.

"Why does it have skulls all over it?" He asks getting up and standing next to me to get a better look.

"It's a fashion trend, get with the program." I joke taking a spoonful of cereal onto my spoon then eating it.

"Okay, I guess your kinda cute." Luscious says almost making me
spit my cereal all over the counter.

"What?" I ask after choking a little bit.

"I said, it's kinda cute." Luscious says leaning against the counter.

"Oh." I mutter.

"Unless you wanted me to say your kinda cute." Luscious says quietly.

I look up at him from my cereal.

"Goodmorning!" Tristan says walking in all bright and cheery. Way to ruin the moment Tristan.

Luscious laughs and goes back and sits at one of the stools at the counter.

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