Chapter 21

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Do you ever have those dreams where you know it is going to end up bad, but you can't do anything about it? You are stuck dreaming until the dream is over, but yet you know you are dreaming, there is just nothing you can do about it? Well that is what the dream I was having was.

It started with me just standing in the middle of a cornfeild. I could tell it was the ending of summer because it was the middle of the night. The air wasn't warm but it wasn't as cold as the fall nights. The wind that flew past me was more of a chilly breeze, and if I hadn't felt like someone was watching me, I would have took the time to appreciate the beautiful night.

But I couldn't risk that right now. Something in my mind was telling me to run. Although I couldn't tell if I should be running from something, or too something. I just knew that I needed to run. So that's what I did. The corn tusks which held no corn left no scratches like I thought they would, I could barely feel them as I ran. I mean this is a dream afterall.

Soon I broke through the field and tripped over a tiny ditch that ran around it.

"Great," I mutter as I wiped mud off of my legs and pajama shorts. Pajama shorts? I look down and see that I am wearing exactly what I wore to bed. Which includes no shoes or socks so mud seeps through my toes. So either this is a vision or my dreaming wardrobe is not very creative. The wind is much stronger outside of the cornfield and I silently curse my unconscious mind for not making me wear long pants or a sweatshirt.

That's when I hear a crash in the distance. I look to my left to where the crash came from and see the faint glow of light pouring through the windows of a farm house. Then I see two figuires dash across the lawn and into a giant red barn. I see the lights turn on in the barn and decide it would be my best bet to go figuire out what those two people are doing, instead of just standing alone in the cold in the middle of the night.

So I start to trudge through the muddy ground towards the red barn and matching farm house. That is until I hear a scream, a scream that could only belong to one person.


That's why I needed to run. I start to sprint towards the barn. Mud splashes up at the back of my calves and is probably all over my shorts. But I don't care, I need to get to Luscious. If he is hurt or someone is hurting him, again, when he is already dead, I would never be able to forgive myslef for not getting there sooner.

When I am about 10 feet away from the barn, I do what every person in the movies do, I trip.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask to know one in particular as I stood up as quickly as possible and start to run again. I have new found respect for girls who run barefoot away from killers in movies. It is way harder than it seems!

Soon I am at the door of the barn. Having absolutely no plan I just stand outside the door for a minute trying to conjure a mastermind plan, but to no avail. I just stand there my mind in overdrive as I think of the ways Luscious could be getting tortured right now. So instead of being smart and thinking up a plan, I decide to wing it.

I gently push the door open and it makes no noise but a soft creak. I look around the room as my eyes adjust to the scene. A thick smell of manuer fills my nostrils as I journey further into the barn and suddenly I spot why. There are cows and horses stuck in stalls expanding all the way to the end of the long corridor. The animals are eerily quiet. It almost sounds as if they aren't even there. Almost as if they were statues just to make the barn look homey, instead of vacant. If it weren't for the strong smell and the almost inaudible shuffle of one of the cows in the last stall on the right, I wouldn't even be able to tell I was in a barn. It was seriously starting to freak me out. I could almost swear they were statues but that would be kind of weird to have statues of animals instead of the real things.

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