Class representative

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13 year old Marinette P.O.V.
I was being taught Chinese, even though my palace only speaks English. However, I wasn't paying attention. It wasn't because I didn't want to or I didn't care. There was just something I couldn't put my finger on. Though I had gut feeling something was wrong. Then I heard it! Every window in the palace breaking at once. My teacher grabbed my arm and we started running. I had no clue what was going on. I look up for split second to see my parents head gushing blood. They were shot in the head with a gun. I didn't even have time to scream in horror. I heard someone yell grab the girl. Then all I saw were people with purple butterflies on their sweatshirts charging at my teacher and I. Before we were tackled I ran in between two of them and ran to the door. I let go of my teachers hand and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. It was obviously locked. Then I felt my teacher grab my arm, and then we started running towards the window. She yelled jump, so we jumped out the window. I landed on my knees, but the force of the fall caused my knees to throb.The fall caused my teacher to go rolling through the grass into a bush. I jumped up and ran to her. We could hear them yelling from above. She quickly grabbed my arm and we started running towards are private jet, then we jumped in.

[Present time]

Marinette P.O.V.
Mrs. Green yelled from down stairs, "Marinette time for school."
I groaned and rolled over, trying to ignore the fact I have school today. Then my kwamii flew to my shoulder.
Then Tikki whisper/yelled," Marinette your going to be late!"
I jumped out of bed and quickly and got dressed and brushed my teeth.
Then I said,"come on Tikki time for school. I might make it today!"
Tikki  giggled as she flew into my purse. Then I ran to school.

The Devils P.O.V




I mean ummmmm......

Chloe's P.O.V.
Today we're going to start the election for class representative, and of course I'm going to win. I mean have you met my father, André Bourgeois. He's been reelected five times in a row, as the Mayor of Paris. I'm going to follow in his foot steps. I'm going to be  class representative, and no ones going to get in my way. I'll make sure of it! I thought as put on my makeup.
Then I can hear Sabrina knock on my door then say,"Chloe it's time for school."

Miss Bustier announced," ok, class today we will start the election for class representative. Everyone can enter! After lunch we'll announce who's running."
Some people groaned and others nodded. Mari-trash looked over at some of her class mates, but I already made clear I'm running and to stay out of my way.

After lunch...

Miss Bustier asked, "who else is running after Chloe and Sabrina her deputy."
Mari-brat looked at Kim and he looked a way. I told him if he ran for the Class representative position, I'll tell everyone your scared of spiders. Then she looked Rose, she made a squeaky scared noise, and hid behind her book. I know she mush she loves the scrap booking club, so I told her she'd be kicked out if she ran.
Miss Bustier started to say, "Given that Chloe and Sabrina are the only candidates, there's no point in voting. So, Chloe and Sabrina..."
Then you want believe what that stupid thing did next!😡

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Cliffhanger... Not really I'm pretty sure you've seen the episode, if not here⬇️
Episode 12/Dark Blade

Short chapter, IDK if I like writing long chapters or short ones. This is my first fan fic, so yeah...


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