We're at the airport

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Ok, so sorry about the short chapter, this (I think) is the third to last chapter. And I've been kinda iffy about how I want this to go... and I wanted you to know I'm working on it, and I'm gonna try to push myself to put this out by tomorrow. I probably should of said this on the chapter before, but I wanted to get back to this chapter. And I also started typing them watching stormy weather (because I lost the original) since that was one of your guys favorites of the stories I asked if you'd like me to continue. I think I'm like in between 3/5 and 4/5 away from finishing it.

Ok so this chapter is taking care of hawkmoth (probably no action scene tho... >~<)

The next chapter is them crowning the king and queen (any guesses)

And the last chapter is the epilogue (⭐️//^//⭐️)

Alya, Nino, and Adrien attacked Marinette in hug. She sunk down in the couch in their embrace, hoping to wake up. While Nino's mom gave the sobbing woman a hug letting her cry in to her chest. Ms Greens hand trembled as she hugged her pulling her closer for more comfort. Alya's parents stood their jaws dropped with their ear pressed up against where the door against where the door used to be.

Few minutes later...
"Plagg, just finish you cheese already! We're almost at the airport." Adrien complained
"What do you mean almost, we're at the airport." Alya pointed out as Ms. Lahaffe turned into the airport.
Just then Plagg threw the whole thing in his mouth and you could hear his loud chewing then a loud gulp, as he swallowed it. Then a loud burp escaped his lips, and it stunk up the whole car with camembert.
"Plagg!" Tikki groaned

So what had happened in the house, Adrien told Marinette everything was going to be okay, he was trying comfort Marinette. Then Mrs. Green tried to clean her throat then cried out that "the plane is to take off in six minutes." Mr and Mrs Cèsaire stayed behind and took care of Ms. green, why Ms. Lahaffe drove them to the airport. They raced with time to make it to the airport to meet him.

They ran in side and made just in time to catch him about to leaving the door that lead to the plane. He ran up to him, holding Marinette's hand. They heard a few people complaining about cutting and others fangirling as they raced to the front of the line. Alya had pulled out her phone and was live on the ladyblog. The guy in front of him went in to the doors to enter the plane. Just as he was to hand the lady his ticket, Adrien let go of Mari's hand and gave him a punch on the side of his face. Gasps could be heard from all over the airport.

He pulled the ticket back to his chest before saying, "nice to see you too, Chat Noir." Marinette grabbed Adrien's arm and pulled him down as Mr. Green threw a punch towards Adrien. She used her leg and kick the back of his knocking him down. He jumped back up yelling, "nooroo dark wings rise!" Marinette and Adrien stumbled backwards, then they exchange a few confused glances.

Then he took out his staff and shoot at them, however, they both jumped in opposite directions to avoid the shot. Marinette took time to notice that it looked like a purple lightning strike. Like the ones he let off when working with Darkblade.

Then pointed the staff at her and said, "evilize" Marinette eyes widened before quickly jumping out the way by doing a few flips. She stoped when she was next to Adrien, then she pulled her fist out, and looked up at Kwami then shouted "Spots on!" Just few seconds later and she can hear "Claws out!"

 She stoped when she was next to Adrien, then she pulled her fist out, and looked up at Kwami then shouted "Spots on!" Just few seconds later and she can hear "Claws out!"

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A.N. they put his staff in a pool noodle, the lucky charm, so it stopped working. Then he started to run away ladybug twirled the noodle staff with yoyo and yelled, "batters up", and threw it towards Chat. He hit like a base ball and it hit Mr. Green in the back of the head, knocking him out, and making him detransform.

"How did they get him with a pool noodle!?!"
"Pound it!"
"We are here at the scene that our heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir or more recognized as princess Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste have finally finished hawkmoth's evil doings. Or should I the princess's guardian for the last two years fiancé evil doing. More new about this at six, until then the weather."

Ok I know I know, this isn't a full 1000 words, but this chapter plus the last chapter adds up to 1000 and the were posted on the same day so... um hopefully that makes for it...
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