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I'm what to start a new book, yup know the way over done class watching there own show. I what to do one, this a glimpse of stormy weather, if you want me to continue writing this say so in the comments and vote. (I feel like it is scratchy so I'll fix it in the final one. However one full episode will be a chapter)

Scene: In my huge Theater that I do not really own.😢
Marinette: 5 more minutes...
Alya: like always, you're the last one to wake up, girl. Now get up, so We can get out of here!
(Marinette jumps at out her sleep and looks around to see her whole class looking at her. Some even sneering and others scared)
Chole: omg, the clown finally got up! We should of left her in this torture trap!
(Alya glares at Chole and in response Chole just flips her hair)
?: hello, I see you've all awoken!
Mylene: AHHH!! (Jumps into Ivan's arms)
Sabrina: wha- what d-do you what form u-us?
Chole: walks in front of Sabrina) Do you know who I am? I am th-
?:The girl who makes everyone else do her work? The the girl who uses her dads job to her own advantage. The girl who's going to have gray hair at the age of 20 from the hair dye and extensions you use on it? The girl who doesn't know how to use makeup properly? Yes, Chock- I mean Chole I know who you are.
Chole: humph
?:  Any ways your all probably wondering what you doing here, and Alya's probably wondering where her phone is! Well, Alya your phones gone for safety reasons. Oh, why we're on the subject of your phone I'm going to get you paw some photos of ladadrein, lady noir, adrienette, and the best for last, drum role plz, (plays a dram role thing on iPad) marichat! And the reason your here is simple, we're all going to watch miraculous ladybug!
Alix:what is a ladadrein, lady noir, adrienette, and marichat?
?:There called ship names
Rose:What's marichat?
?: the best ship in miraculous ladybug ever!
Juleka: miraculous what now?
?: miraculous ladybug, the show, its about Ladybug and Chat Noir. We're going to watch it, as I said a second ago.
Alya: cool! awesome! Let's get this show started!
(Oh, so it me and Chat/ladybug fighting. Explains why Alya is here...)
?: of course Alya! Now go to your seats, there are name tags to were you'll be seating. We'll be starting with stormy weather! I pause it if you have a comment, so feel free to comment when its meaningful!🤗 So Chock and lie-la keep you mouths glued shut!👿 I'll pause the show if you start talking, because we need to savor every moment!
Chole: excuse you! Humph! I will talk when I want to!
Lila: why dose it have to about ladybug, and who are you?(she said as she got into her seat)

                  Nino                 Alya                  Marinette             Adrien
                  Alix                   Kim                   Mylene                   Ivan

                Nathaniel          Juleka                Rose

                 Sabrina            Max                               

                                                                       Lila                   Chole

?: just because! I have my reasons Lie-la! Oh, and my name is Courtney. However, you and Choke will call me Coco, and the rest of you can call me Coco.
Coco works for me!
Where are we?
Am I dreaming?
She's weird.
What dose it stand for?
Shhhh! I need to listen so I can report back to my blog! (I bet none of you know who this is -sarcasm)

Coco:Shhh! Alya or Ladyblog need to do her research. Oh, and did I mention that you all know them?😈😈😈 Also this show will show you how they get through there day to day life's, in both civilian and hero forms.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng the princess Where stories live. Discover now