Chanel 9?

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Holy sh*t
Ok, I have to turn my device in SOON so I'll be trying to finish the soon, and hopefully it will be soon.
I'll be working on other stories over the summer (hopefully)...

2 days later...

Chole POV
"So, everyone I've brought you here for an important meeting." Said my father then he continued on about the decision.
This meeting was supposed to finalize the towns decision on something about raising the money spent on the police force to better protect our town. He still had his four police officers on his side, since the incident. I'm pretty sure he only called this meeting to get out of the command that was put into play. I walked walked out, not really wanting to be part of this decision.
As I leaving I saw this cute reporter from channel nine. Teddy, he's always been my favorite reporter ever since he started working for the station a year and a half ago.
I've watched every single report he's done! He's so cute he has the most beautiful eyes, they're a mysterious shade of gray. (Thank you sister, because obviously I don't know how to fangirl over guys) I can easily get lost in them! (She's moved on...)
"Hey, are you the reporter from Chanel 9?"
The room got quieter with every word I said. Then I realized why, there weren't supposed to be reporters covering this. Seconds after saying he sent me the glare that sent a shiver down my back.
Then security escorted him out, and my dad told me it was probably best if I were to stay by him. I told I was heading home, and that my head was throbbing. Really I just wanted to catch up with him and apologize.
Once I left the building I started running, but i was to late.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng the princess Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum