"Mmm, waffles."

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This is not an alarm this is an actual chapter! (Though I'm pretty sure it's going to be short)
(A.N. It is, extremely short)
* * *

Then, I walked over to Alya and Nino and gave them a huge bear hug and almost immediately they returned it.
"Girl, I missed you!!!"
"She missed you so much she created another ship for you."
"Oh, you don't thing I heard, that's almost impossible when you've live with the most flirtatious cat for a week now.*chuckle*"
"I think it's time for the flirtatious night of pairs and the princess of China to go."
"Seriously, [i unwinded my arms from them and turn to look at Chat] I just got reunited with my friends and your already ready to take me off."
"Sweep you right off your feet" he said right before he grabbed me and ran us to his old house.


"You're *yawn* awful..." Marinette mumbles Chat lays her down.
He bent down beside her "Night princess." He said as he kissed her forehead good night.

Time skip~
*sniff-sniff* "pancakes!" *falls off bed* "uhf"
"Well I've seen the sleeping beauty has awakened, and here I thought the cat night was going to have to break the curse."
"Nope, the pancake guards just knocked on the door."
"I'm pretty sure their waffle guards, princess."
"Mmm, waffles."
"I made extra cause you didn't have dinner last night."
"Heh... yeah."
*walks over and picks her up*
"Gah, put me down!"
*walks over to desk and sets her down*
*hands her a tray with five waffles*
*grabs it, looks at the large waffles stacked upon each other* "Do you want me to be fat!"
"You don't have to eat them all."
"But I will." *cuts up the pancakes*
*chuckles* "you're silly princess."
*Sticks tongue out*

Another time skip...
'Marinette wins'
"Boo yeah Marinette style baby" *does her little dance*
"You're amazing, Marinette. I guess you'll have to go find some one better than me. I'm so lame compared to you..."

( A.N. Yes, they did play mega strike three.)

"Is something wrong princess?"
*shakes head like a cat after  you scratch their ears* "Ahh- that just reminded me of something... If you want I can teach you."
"Yah, I'd love to"

(A.N. I was re-reading this and I decided to mention he's wearing...
- A black shirt
- gray sweat pants
- Black mask

She's wearing...
-white shirt
-pink and white striped shorts (with a black paw print)
-And long fluffy socks
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