Bye bye, little butterfly

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Oh, and I would of actually typed a chapter if things like this didn't just pop up... Give 2 weeks I'll have to do more SOCIAL things this week then I'll be back on schedule.

First time trying to update...
Ok so sorry it took so long for me to post. One, I've been going to outernet, and I had to get mentally prepared for that... Don't question me... (One see a friend and the other one to go back to dentist. It's my first time having cavities.) Two, on the day I was going to finish updating I had to go to the dentist. I laid down on that dentist chair for two hours, then I got home and laid down for 8 1/2 hours as the numbing wore off. Because supposably i have very week gums. The numbing left my jaw in pain, and made it hard to eat. My teeth and lip hurt. Two days later my teeth stopped hurting. But lip, which I don't know what happened but hurts bad, has made it hard to eat. It took me like an hour to eat a donut. A DONUT.

Second time trying to update...
And I went to my friends house it was a lot of fun. I was originally supposed to stay for an hour and a half. However I ended up staying the night.

It was time to go to bed, so I started scrolling through Pinterest.
I laughed at some thing on Pinterest. And she was like, "what are you laughing at?"
I responded,"Oh, its has to do with my fandom, miraculous ladybug, you wouldn't understand." (Or something along those lines)
After I was done reading​ some headcanon's I roll over and see she's watching the origin episodes. Oh, this isn't my best friend from this year, but last, and still my bestie.(See her and the girl from this year are my BFF'S, and my two guy friends from last year and this year are my guy BFF'S​. Then I have six BF'S- best friends)
Third time trying to update...
You guys, every time Im ready to update something pops up...

1) dentist

2) friend

3) your notifications

Yes, your notifications...

What do I mean?

You guys gave me over 2000 notifications. I was not aware that every time I get notification on Wattpad I get one on my Gmail. Also, I was not aware that any of you would want to friend me on the Facebook ​account I only created to get a Wattpad. However I had more than 50 of you guys asking to be friends. Now I have no problem with that. But when it give 2000+ notifications, to conjoined accounts, that means that 4000+ notifications for me to clear. And as you can imagine, that takes a lot of storage. And my Pinterest, art app, and Wattpad all kept crashing. I did even now I was even logged into my Gmail until a notification saying I have 999+ notifications on your Gmail accounts. 4000+ isn't anywhere close to 999+. If 1002 or something like that, I probably would of had time to update.


Any ways,

A.N.) Because I had a plan to how they solved the akuma, but I'm bad at typing action scene... I'm going type it slanted so if people who don't want to see me fail can skip it...

So Chat ran at screen man, screen man in response he tried to shot him tying him to Eiffel Tower, like Chole. The TV wires caused their first lucky charm, the bouncy ball, to fall down.  Why dodged the shot  Ladybug called lucky charm, and got a bat, then she saw the ball and ran towards it. Chat saw that and went long. She hit the ball aiming for screen man hands. That knocked the TV remote out of his hands. Chat ran towards it yelling"cataclysm" and catched the remote with his hand. Once the butterfly started to fly away, Ladybug devilized it.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng the princess Where stories live. Discover now