HE DID!!!!

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Lol, none of you requested this but, I type for my own amusement. So, here is Niya! No, but in all seriousness I can't write action scenes.

Alya's P.O.V.
"Ok if it isn't truly your diary, then why doses it have you name in it! Maybe it because you don't want us to know! How come you have the Dupain-Cheng Diamond in your arm." She said as she pulled down Marinette's sleeve revealing the legend purple diamond 💎. Bang went the door as it hit the floor, Chole yelled" you're Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Every one knows, now! Marinette Green, how did I not see this sooner!"
Then I could hear Darkblade say," grab the girl instead of the miraculous?... Yes hawkmoth."
Then all of his nights started charging at my Mari! 😟😡Marinette closed her eyes ready for her death💀 . However, a staff came out of no where knocking all the nights down. I see the only Chat Noir 😺fighting the new akuma, Darkblade🗡. After a few minutes of Marinette shoving everyone in the safe room. She ran back to the room the akuma was in.
I started to run after her but something was holding me back. Actually, correction, someone was holding me back, It was Nino! //0/////0//
Then everything went black.
I remember waking up to see Ladybug 🐞 and Chat Noir 🐱doing there signature pound👊 it. (Alert this is there patrol, aka this is what happens next with Ladynoir) I look 👀 up and I see Nino's hand ✋🏽and his big goofy smile. I take his hand and he pulls me up. I look behind him to see hawkmoth screaming that "Her diamond 💎 will be mine!". Before hitting the ground with his staff and disappearing. That sent a shiver down my back, I noticed I wasn't the only one scared for Marinette, both Ladybug 🐞 and Chat Noir 🐱 looked scared.
"Well I better get back to my princ- I mean the princess [nervous laugh].", Chat Noir said
Then they went there separate ways. Well Ladybug 🐞 started walking > that way then Chat Noir 🐱went off the < other way. Then Ladybug turned around < and threw her yoyo and quickly took off. I thought it was weird but I was tired. I crashed at Nino's place, because it was closer.

The next day...

"Nino do you know where Adrien👦🏼 and Marinette👧🏻 are? I haven't seen them since yesterday."I asked
"I don't know where Adrien is but Marinette's👧🏻 with Chat Noir🐱." He said calmly, as if it was a normal thing!
"What?" I was about to scream because omg! 😳Omg,omg, omg, omg!
"Well didn't Chat say 'Well I better get back to my princess👑'?"
I thought for moment before I realized HE DID!!!!
"Omg... (I took a short pause and thought🤔 for a second then it came to me) Marichat!"
Nino responded," Mari what now? Are you already💏 shipping 🚢 them?"
"Yes Nino, think about it, he fights for pairs on regular bases. He is practically a night🏇, but in a cat🐱 suit. He's the night of pairs and she's the princess👑 of China! There practically made for each other!" I exclaimed
"Didn't you say that about Adrienette?" Nino asked
"Adrienette was so two days ago." I responded
"What ever you say Alya"
"You argued about Adrienette and now your like what ever, you ship it! Omg, and you said you wouldn't ship Marinette with someone because it her decision, And we shouldn't push her to like someone.an-" I started until he cut me off
"Didn't I ship them eventually." He asked
"Yeah, but that was after Adrien became very possessive over Marinette." I responded
We went back and forth until he amid it
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