Tagged again

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Hey, guys I'm back! This time Ill be updating on my phone. So pardon my spelling mistakes...😅 I've been tagged by, tattybluenose and Girl_sun093

Girl_sun093, I've  already done this one. However, I love your lock screen. All of my answers are pretty much the same... If anyone wants to see it, go to the chapter called,"tagged?"

Do you have siblings?
Yes, I do but I'm not going to name them...

2. Real name?
Courtney, however I'd prefer if you call me Coco.

3. Do I draw?
Yeah I do... and if you didn't know that then you only come for the story... wait, why are still here? 😕(the phone make emojis look like blobs, it supposed to be a confused face)

4. What do I like?
This fandom
My friends
My family
Food & water
My bed

5. What do people think of me?

My phone is so hard to work with. This probably took me longer to type than a regular chapter on my school (rented) iPad. That's why I've kinda been avoiding it... I'll try to get my self around to typing the next chapter, after typing this... It might take awhile...

(By that I mean I'm aware it going to take awhile to type)

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