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The thing above has nothing to do with the story, at lest now.(I haven't thought that far)

Sorry for the update with no actual story, but I might continue the other story  because I want to.

(Well it still leaves you curious for more, but NOT A CLIFFHANGER!)

Also it's the next day!!! Omg, day two 9 chapters later!?!
Also I wanted to update sooner, but I had no clue who Marinette should be looking at. However, I find an interesting person to do it. Any guesses? Say in the comments.

I lookup again from deep thought and see my princess frozen in fear, I follow her eyes and see...

He was pointing his staff at Marinette  then he screamed, "evilse her!"
Then a big purple strike lighting went right at my princess. With out thinking I ran and grabbed her, before she got zapped.

 With out thinking I ran and grabbed her, before she got zapped

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I ran like three blocks with princess in my arms. I turned around to see Hawkmoth had followed us. Then Hawkmoth and Darkblade points there staffs up in the air, and scream,"regenerate the nights" as purple and black lighting went through the sky. All the nights ran at us again, I had to get my princess to safety. Somewhere no one would look. I turned back around and started running. I knew exactly where I'd have to take her. Once we lost the nights, I ran to where we were going.
  I ran and ran until we got there. A huge house on the outskirts of Paris, my old house. I used to live here when my mom was still around. However, since she disappeared, my dad made us leave. Not taking anything with us, except family photos. Also he still pays for this place, he still owns it. He just won't let anyone step foot in it. Except today, I will disobey, and take my princess here for safety reasons.
I have three houses that my dad won't let me step foot in, and toda- well tonight I will step foot in one.
As I set my sleeping beauty in my old bed, wondering is it already night? Fencing just ended not that long ago. I sighed as I walked across the hall into my parents room,   de-transform, and went to bed.

The next day...

Marinette P.O.V.
I woke up in a boys room? I got up and and looked around, I found a letter, and the letter read...
(Notes in italic)

Dear princess,

I have left to go get us some clothes, seeing that we will be here for a while. Until I come back, relax and don't break things. This is my dad old place, and he still owns it. I'll be back soon, just stoping by a store to get you food,clothes, and fabric. I've heard you like designing things, so I'll get you some fabric. I'll come back with some stinky Camembert cheese, for plagg, and a plastic mask so I can de-transform. So when you see a guy with a plastic mask trying to see if your a wake, don't hit me! I don't what to fall to the ground like those nights!

          Your prince in leather

Ok, so don't hurt a guy in a plastic mask.😑 His kawmi is plagg, talking about kawmi's, where's Tikki? I look for my purse and there it was on the doorknob. I pick it up and whisper," Tikki?"
Tikki pops her head out and says "good morning! Where are we?"
I answered "Chat place, he's out getting things."
Tikki responded,"oh!"
Then I can hear a door open, then close.
"Camembert!" I think that's Plagg
"Ugh, did you seriously have to sing that the whole car ride there and back?" Chat annoyed. 😆 hahahah!
"Tikki hide!" I say holding my laughter
"Camembert!!!!" Plagg wines again
"Here you go..." Chat says
I put my purse on the doorknob, and open the door.
"Chat?" I call out
"Kid put the mask on!" Plagg says
"Don't talk with your mouth full!" Chat response grossed out
"Kid, I am like a miniature God, I'll do what I want!" Plagg says
"Pft, no worries, I don't see you two. I'll be in this room." I say as I close the door

Chats P.O.V.

Earlier this morning...
I got up early, I walked into princess room, and wrote her a note.
(Notes in italic)

Dear princess,

I have left to go get us some clothes, seeing that we will be here for a while. Until I come back, relax and don't break things. This is my dad old place, and he still owns it. I'll be back soon, just stoping by a store to get you food,clothes, and fabric. I've heard you like designing things, so I'll get you some fabric. I'll come back with some stinky Camembert cheese, for plagg, and a plastic mask so I can de-transform. So when you see a guy with a plastic mask trying to see if your a wake, don't hit me! I don't what to fall to the ground like those nights!

          Your prince in leather
I bent down and moved Marinette's bangs off her forehead, then kissed her on the forehead and told her, "I'll see you soon, princess."
I grabbed my bag with Plagg in it, and left to get some clothes and food for the two of us. Also, stinky Camembert for Plagg.

Later at the store...
(LOL I'm to lazy to say who is talking but it's Adrien and Plagg)

"Plagg we're here, and I have no clue what I am suppose to get."
"First get the Camembert, then go get some clothes and cloth."
"What about the other food considering there's only old food in the house."
"We can get that after the CAMEMBERT"
"Shhhhhh! People will hear you!"
"Adrien I will scream on the top of my lungs if I don't get my Camembert."
"I'd have to buy it fi-"
"Shut up!"
People started to look at the Adrien, boy that's wearing dark clothing, and he just gives them a nervous laugh. Before running to the clothes part of the store.
"I guess we can wait,until you can shut your mouth to get you Camembert."
"No! I'll starve to death!"
"You'll be stuck modeling for the rest of your life with out ladybug."
"I'll have princess~"
"Lover boy"
"😑Shut up"
Flys to a black dress"if I was gone then you won't have seen this, and bought it in Marinette size. Or even imagine her wearing it~"

 Heat rises on my checks as I say, "Plagg, get back here before someone sees you!""Come on kid, you're a model

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Heat rises on my checks as I say, "Plagg, get back here before someone sees you!"
"Come on kid, you're a model. You have to at lest be able to pick out a few outfits, with out turning into Flushed Face emoji."

After all the shopping...

"Camembert!" Plagg yelled for the billionth time today
"Ugh, did you seriously have to sing that the whole car ride there and back?" I asked
"Camembert!!!!" Plagg wines again
"Here you go..." I say as I hand him his nasty camembert
"Chat?" I hear my princess call out
"Kid put the mask on!" Plagg says
"Don't talk with your mouth full!" I response grossed out
"Kid, I am like a miniature God, I'll do what I want!" Plagg says
"No worries, I don't see you two. I'll be in this room." My princess replied sweetly
"Ok, and it's on. I'm coming up."I replied as I put 14 camembert on the table, to keep Plagg busy. Then I grabbed all the bags of clothes (there is 11) and cloth (8) and went up stairs. Princess was sitting on her bed looking at the design at the edge of a blanket. It's was like the ones on my orange tennis shoes at home, well the only home I'm supposed to be in.
"Here you go, You go and take a shower and get dressed. I'm going to make breakfast, Pancakes sound good?"
"Yeah." She mumbled as she looked through the bags.
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Marinette Dupain-Cheng the princess Where stories live. Discover now