New.. And Improved

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          Derek, The first to notice the change. Looks confused. Scott slowly realizing the change in superiority in his growl. "Scott.... What's going on?" Jackson stutters feeling the effects of the powerful change. "I.. I-do-nt-dont know..." Scott forces out in shock. Derek just smiled and Stood up fluffing his black leather jacket and turning to leave. I stopped him. His expression looked surprised at first, then a look of.... lust followed by a blatant smile. "Yes. Stilllleessss" Derek said egging on my sarcasm. "Where are you going.?" Derek looked puzzled. "To my car. To sleep. In Peace." He said with a sarcastic head jerk on silence.

    "Derek your not sleeping in your car. Your the Alpha. I have a Couch and blankets and a pillow you will be occupying in a few minutes." I said Firmly. I'm not chancing on him being in danger... wait why do I even care. It feels like I don't have any other cares, besides Derek being... with me..

   Isaac and Boyd stood up and Walked to the door Boyd picking me up by the waist and moving me out of the way. Isaac following "Goodnight" Both said walking out. They were followed by Lydia and Allison soon returning with bags of clothes and morning things. DO THEY EVER SLEEP AT THEIR OWN PLACE! Scott grunted and stood up. "I'm taking a walk." Allison went to put her things down to follow I'm assuming. Only to be cut off by Scott. "Alone. Allison get ready for bed and I'll be back in no time. Please.." Scott said, trying to reassure her. With that Scott was out the door.

   Derek walked to the fridge and looked at the fridge full of beer yet vacant of food. "Pizza" He said grabbing his phone from his pocket and dialed the pizza place ordering 4 pizzas probably thinking of the hungry wolves and me who eats anything without consequence. Yay metabolism and genetics!

    Scott returned and we waited for the pizza to get here, Derek and Scott talked about finding Deaton and his mom and Stiles Dad and now Mr. Argent. They were going to eat and get a few hours of sleep because they know going out at night isnt going to find them. Especially from Deucalion and his pack of horrific jerks. I wasnt a big help. I really was just there to bring comedy to situations that could get me killed, But since highschool I'm not afraid of a werewolf or anything else to be honest. Because I know how to protect myself since Allison and Her father had the new code "Protect those who can't protect themselves" They taught me and Lydia my dad and Scotts mom literally how to be human bad asses. But with more than one werewolf and one the can get you in a matter of seconds its practically useless.

       When there was a knock on the door Derek was the first one up and to the door. Opening it to Pizza, we all were starved. Once we all ate Scott and Derek shared a glare and somehow I knew what that meant. They had an idea what happened tonight. But aren't planning on telling anyone.

    They girls got ready for bed and Jackson and Scott went to bed leaving me and Derek the only two still awake. I usually don't sleep till at least midnight and its only 11 now, so I figure I'll actually clean up after dinner. Derek helps me clean the counters and put things away. I stopped just for a moment and smiled. I had Derek Hale in a house cleaning. I deserve a award for this. Once I get over myself I turn to walk to head to bed but accidentally bump into Derek obviously not even cause him to flinch but for me to lose my balance. I feel myself falling backwards but am caught by big, strong, warm arms that belong to Derek. He looks at me for a second before lifting me up and whispering in my ear almost seductively. "Be careful klutz"

With that he lays on the couch and is fast asleep. Or Thats what he wants me to think. So i just decide to go to bed myself. Alone.

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