Big Brother

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      "Wait what? You are related to them?" Derek said his face blank.


     "Yes. I am" Elijah said starting to pace himself.

    "They are older than me." He said still pacing.

"Why aren't you in the pack as well?" Derek said starting to look a bit angry.

  "Because.. we are only a year apart. I was 16 when they were lashed out. We were all omegas. Our parents Died saving us. Aiden and Ethan can shift. I had trouble controlling the shift after our parents died. The pack accepted them not me. I continued on my own. I came back to try again because I got control of myself. I one dead body then another then I saw them morphed and they ripped their pack apart. Getting stronger as they went through the ranks. Thats when Deucalion came in and told Them what to do. They ripped him in half. Then they became alphas. I didn't come out from hiding because they lost control and wouldve just saw me as another werewolf. Only I wasnt."

He stopped and looked up a bit shaken. Then continued.

"When I was on my own I came across a town and they had a "animal attack" issue only there was no werewolf scent anywhere I could find. Until I caught a scent more... alarming. Vampires. I ran into their Alpha.. it was.. um."

    He stopped and looked at me.

"I don't share the same father as them.. Only mother. My dad. Um. Klaus. Is the alpha. He is half vampire half werewolf. Their dad, My uncle, Elijah is vampire. Only Vampires can't procreate. But Elijah found a way to use magic to have a child. Only by sacrifice of a brother. Elijah killed his other brother Finn. Then came the twins. They were human. My father made them werewolves. Me I was born werewolf. I'm a Hybrid because my Father made me a vampire also."

      Derek just looked at me and then at Eli.

"Why are you here?" He said looking at Eli.

     "Because Deucalion. He killed my mother."

"Aiden and Ethan know this?" I said in shock.

"No. They don't anymore." He said.

"What do you mean anymore?" Scott said reading my mind.

"Deucalion took the memory away from us when he did it. I got it back when my brain healed like new from becoming a vampire. They Don't know."

     "Derek. The Lapis. You need to hide it somewhere no one will ever find it." He said Staring intensely at Derek.  

         "Scott, Come here." Eli said.

Scott slowly walked over.

        "This may hurt. I'm sorry for that."

Scott just looked at Eli who sped to behind him and bit his neck.




Death Follows Me-- Sterek/Scisaac(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now