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     Normal. That's all I want my family to be. But, here I am. My family hasn't seen each other since... that day. But I'll tell you that later. Right now, I'm in high school.

    "Hi Austin!!" I feel a tight hug from behind. It's Way. She's been my friend since grade school. Her raven black hair has grown since then, she can almost sit on it!

   "Hi Way. How's things?" She lets go and walks backwards facing me, showing me what her shirt says. I giggle at it a little. It says "Money can buy happiness, it's called ice cream" on a black shirt with two ice cream cones on both sides of the text.

   "Oh, you know, crazy. OH did you hear of what's going to happen tonight?!" She sounded excited. That means it has to do something with either her bands that she listens to or the space.

   "I'm guessing the space?" I ask her as her head rapidly nods.

   "Yessssssszs!" She says like a snake. I laugh at her reaction. She giggled back.

   "But seriously, there's going to be a meteor shower tonight." She makes her fingers twinkle in the air as we walk up the stairs. I have to be honest with you, I thought she was going to fall!

   "Cool." I say in return. She looks at me funny.


   "Is everything okay? You seem off." She gets quiet as she studies my face.

   "Yeah, everything's going good! What about you? You so sudden that you worry?" I ask her and she jumps.

   "Nothing! Just curious! And everything's going.... good too!" She then does something that she never really does. She ran away.

   "Hi Austin." I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. It's my best friend, Jake. I have had a crush on him since I met him but I haven't told anyone because if I tell Way she will fangirl and try to "help" me.  I blushed a little when I saw it was him.

   "H-hi Jake. How are you doing?" I smile nervously. He smiled back but did not respond. I don't think he heard me. After all, it is loud in the hallways.

   "By Austin! See you after school!" That's right, we have no classes together this year. Hopefully we'll have classes together next year. A guy could only hope!


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