Pain or peace?

21 3 0

(Ways POV)

I woke up in my bed, or so it seems. I looked around, terrified of how I got there. I looked at my kitten clock to see it was the same time as it was when I got to the house. Weird.

"How the fu-" I was caught off by my cat crashing into my wall. My mirror fell, leaving a purple piece of glass. I got up from my bed and started walking towards it and had a thought that wasn't mine.

"No... I won't.... I can't!" I began crying. The feel of the fresh tears brought another disturbing thought. The feel of blood.

"NO!" I fell to the ground, holding my head and shaking furiously. I didn't really have an army ready to fight this war. I already knew that I was going to loose.

"Do it!" I heard the voice again. I felt numb.

My body moved on its own it seemed. I took the purple glass and held it close to my heart, crying still.

"I'm, so, sorry." I whispered to myself as I held the sharp end tightly. New fresh blood ran down from my hand. I didn't feel a thing.

I held my hand in front of me to see that the liquid that fell from me was purple now. I watched it for a while then took the piece and put it near my arm. I wanted to stop. I tried and tried. I couldn't.

The sparkly purplish polish looked so pretty, running down my arms. It calmed me down until I started thinking about my friends and family that would miss me. I started crying.

After what seemed to be hours, I drifted to sleep. I felt at peace.

---(Jake's POV)---

I turned on my tv to see the news. They talked about the regular, then it started talking about a breaking news. It was about a purple crystal that had been found at a crime scene of a homicide. The victims that they talked about sounded familiar. Then shock turned on me.

It was Austin.

Apparently, he had accidentally killed his father and is now claiming that he didn't do it.

"The crystal did it!" A video of Austin, cuffed to a chair, showed on the screen. His hair and skin looked different. Instead of his hair being a blonde orange, it was now a darker brownish black on the tips. And his skin was paler than usual. His eyes also looked purple!

"I have to go see hi- Aaaa!" I realized that I have been floating, no literally floating, in place as I watched the tv. This surprised me. I then started to go near the floor when I wanted to. Weird.

"C-cool?!" I say as I stare at my feet. I had to go see Austin.

"If you know anything about this case, call - (number)-" I didn't have any attention on anything but Austin at the moment. I just had to see if he's okay.

"Maybe he's at the insane asylum?" It seemed like he would be after what he did.

I headed that way.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dun dun duuuuuwun!!!

Now that I have your attention, I would like to say thank you for reading this story! AND.......


No, Way is not dead. You will see what will happen next. (I don't want anyone crying while they read this!)

Have a great day/night!


Super Bad?? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora