{13} Steve Rogers and Tony Stark: Huh Challenge

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Requested by cookie_bomb

Next one will be a Bucky.


You started recording a video on your phone as you ran over to Steve pointing the camera at him.

"Hi I'm Steve Rogers I'm so old I can be your great grandfather! Hyuhhhhhhhh!" You said in an obnoxious voice.

You laugh as you shut off the recording. Steve looked at you dumbfounded.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"The huh challenge." You stated as you posted the video online.

"The what challenge?" He asks absolutely confused.

"The huh challenge Cap." Tony stated walking in, rolling his eyes. Y/N started recording again, pointing the camera at Tony.

"Hi I'm Tony Stark and I act like a douche because my dick will never be as big as my ego, huhhhhhh!"

Steve choked on his drink as Tony gaped at you.

"You are just mean." Tony commented, taking his coffee and leaving.

My favorite request so far 😂😂😂

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