1- metaphorically im a whore, and thats denial number four!

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2:27pm. Thirty more minutes, Josh thought to himself. He was watching the clock religiously as he waited for the bell to ring, he wouldn't say he hated school but it definitely wasn't a to be place. Chemistry seemed to be dragging by as he learned about mixing several unsafe chemicals for some stupid project he defiantly was not going to do, not that it wasn't going to be done. When there is a project Josh Dun didn't want to do he would usually pay someone in the class to pair up and do for him.

Hey, twenty dollars just to do a simple extra credit test wasn't a bad deal, Josh didn't think so anyways.

As time seemed to get slower within the seconds and josh being caught up with thinking about time consuming activities to do this weekend, his face was hit with a crumpled piece of paper. He unfolded said paper to revile in big bright pink letters, 'FUCK YOU JOSH DUN! TURN AROUND!" As not so confused Josh slips the paper under his desk he turned into the direction in which the paper came from and met the eyes of a really tan, really stoned, and really hyper Felix Urie. Just waving at him.

"I have an idea!" The blond boy spoke with a hushed tone, Josh faced his way further to listen. "What?" Josh rested his head in his hands, the teacher didn't seem to mind at all. Felix smiled bigger, which, to be honest, slightly scared the red haired boy. Stoners can come up with very stupid fucking ideas. "Well, your birthday is next month. Me and Brendon are going to take you camping in the forest, you can bring more people." It didn't seem like a bad idea. Josh would be turning eighteen on the 18th of the following month, he loved to camp when he was younger and he loves anything to do with the supernatural. I brought up supernatural because in the forest Felix was talking about he had heard little rumors here and there. Certain rumors including a ghost that haunts around an opened field, they called him Blurryface.

No one has ever caught a picture of this so-called ghost before, other than one photo and Josh was hooked on the myth. The story that goes with the spirit is long, and well worth reading about. Long-story-short, a few hundred years ago a boy had died in that woods. Burnt in a fire. The boy was strange, said the myths and local sightseers. He hung around an old tree house all the time, everyday. One day, a smoke was seen from the woods, after the blazing fire was extinguished they found the chard body of a boy, the boy they now call Blurryface. No one really knows the boys name that died there, but no one really cares either. Only Josh, it would assume. Something about the whole story sent thrill coarsening through the red heads veins, rather it was the fact of it being so close to home or the possibility of the reality in it, Josh loved it.

"Can we camp at Blurryface's treehouse?" Josh's face quickly turned to a grin, watching as Felix basically slammed his face against the table. "It's not real, Josh. It's a myth, think real man. Ghost aren't real." Maybe he was right, maybe it was just stupid to think about and be fascinated over: but Josh wasn't convincing himself that any time soon.

"It'll be so cool, though! Think about it Fel, we can videotape everything that happens. Like ghost hunters!" Felix sighed further, he was doing this for Josh so it seemed that whatever Josh wanted, Josh got it. "Happy fucking birthday, you dirty tampon! Two days in the forest, cameras, food and water, voice recorders, and the stubborn birthday bitch to lead the way." The boys laughed at that one. they made pointless jokes about the camping day, none that were worthy of remembering later on.

So twenty minutes later school was let out, Josh, being the happiest about, ran straight to his car accompanied by Brendon and his cousin, Felix. They were all about to get into Josh's little blue dodge car before they heard the shortest boys name being called out across the parking lot. Josh sighed, he knew who it was and he wasn't ready to face her. His girlfriend, Samantha. They have dated for four months now, how? Josh had no clue, but it had to stop for the sake of his own sanity and reputation of not hitting a girl. "Josh, there you are. I couldn't find you after the bell rung," the brown haired girl pouted before flipping her long hair and looking at the two boys in the back. "Hey, boys!" She pursed her lips into a smile and waved. Brendon and Felix scoffing and muttering out a "hey, Sam." or on felix's part, he said, very clearly, "hey, bitch- oh, I mean Sam." Which Brendon laughed behind him, he almost had too walk off to not come off as rude. Josh wanted to laugh, too.

"Baby, what'd you need to talk about? Also, your birthday is next month and I want to spend it with you!" She pulled out two paper slips out of her pocket and brought them to her face with a smile. "I got One Direction tickets, how cool is that?" Josh felt the urge to slap himself in the face right then and there, but besides causing damage to himself he was still considering if his reputation was worth it at this point. "That's, uh, nice and all, thank you, but I already made plans with the guys." He pointed behind him, scratching his neck awkwardly as she pouted even more. "Oh? Maybe I can come with you guys, we're friends right? Where are we going?" She looked at Brendon, who was still laughing. He cleared his throat to speak after Josh thumped a rock at him from behind his clingy girlfriend. "We are going camping, ya' know, deep, deep into the woods, no service, fishing, manly things. It's doesn't seem like a good place for a girl as," he stopped and looked at Josh bent over laughing from behind the girl. He was silently laughing, and it made it all too much funnier. "Uh, a girl as, inside-y, as you are. It wouldn't be that fun for you." He finished, Josh had calmed down and nodded with Brendon's statements. Sam make a unreadable face and pouts, she looks up at Josh, who was mouthing something to Felix. He turned her way and saw her face.

"Josh, is there something you want to tell me? Because it sounds like you don't want me to go?" She looked up at Josh with the pouty lips and sad puppy eyes, they same ones Josh would like to scratch out of her skull and stomp on them. He hated it so much because he has a big heart and is very often scared to say what he means, even if he should say it. Before he was about to give in and let her go, Felix sighed deeply. "Sam, he does have something to tell you, in fact," he took a deep breath, "both of us do."

She looked in between the two boys and cocked her head, Josh snorted as to laugh but failed. "You see sam," Felix started up. Brendon quickly chimed in with, "Felix is Josh's new boy toy, we are going on a big, gay, ghost hunting camping trip, and they are going to have buttsex in the back of the tent." The tallest of the three grabbed both wrists of the boy and drug them along to the car.

"What the actual fuck was that?" Josh almost yelled, Felix was laughing way too hard, and Brendon was sighing at the sudden peace and quiet. "That was awesome!" Felix, still laughing, high fives Brendon who seemed to be taking a moment to breath from running. "No, that was awful! Now a gay rumor is gonna be spread around the school, thanks!" Josh sighed, not in a mad way, mostly natural. Felix bursts into more fits of giggles before studdering out, "I like how he isn't mad about breaking up with Sam, this is golden!"

"I hate you guys, fucking dickheads."

"Aw, you love me and your boytoy, don't lie to us."


"Okay, rude."

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