18- sorry im just soggy from the chemo

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Short chapters for now on, but we are merely at the beginning-of-the-end of the story. Hold on to your chemical romances, because you're not going to be okay.
Alright, I'm leaving.

"I saw you," Josh states, the awkward silence filling the room as both him and Tyler tried not to taint the atmosphere with anymore gloominess. "With Gerard, what were you guys talking about. How do you know him." Josh asked, making Tyler tense to an unholy amount. Telling somebody that somebody else is another vampire is about as rude and unforgivable as leaking somebody's nude photos: you only do it if your pissed off at them. Which Tyler was, and even though he usually wouldn't mind ratting out the closed-minded biggot that is Gerard Way, Josh would be on the line. Just as his life was when he met Tyler.

"I met him a few years back,  we aren't on great terms. That was the one who kissed you?" Tyler asked. "He was going to do it for Brendon but didn't. He was my crush for a while, but he's kind of, y'know, creepy." Yeah, as creepy as a three hundred year old vampire could be, I'd say he's very unnerving to be around,Tyler thought to himself. The whole Way family are vampires, thankfully Tyler had only met Gerard and Mikey. Mikey was his love interest at that time and Gerard was a good friend of his until the treehouse fire. It's funny how vivid the memory still was in the immortal's mind. He could still fill the heat of flames, the look Mikey gave him before Tyler dozed into a deep almost comatose sleep, and every once in a while he could still feel the scars on his neck as if it was still fresh.

"How are you taking everything?" Tyler asked, both of them knowing just what he'd asked about and Josh staring at the floor like it held the answers to everything. "Glioblastoma, it's a brain and spinal Cancer. I, uh, have a tumor in my spin and-" Josh stopped, seeing as he remembered something that seemed to put him in a stage of panic. Tyler scooted closer, letting his cold hand wrap around Josh's warm one. Tyler's eyes asking Josh to talk further about it, Josh's eyes reverted back to the floor. "People who are Twenty years or so have the lowest chance of surviving 5 years. People under Twenty are even lower." Josh finished, letting the tallest of the two take in the news for a few moments. The mortal squeezing his hand like it was his lifeline and if he drew his band back he would flatline. "How long?"

"They don't know, yet, they are surprised I've been almost unaffected by it. They can't figure out why I feel almost untouched by it, despite it being so badly set in." Josh took a breath of air. "I'm starting chemotherapy in two weeks, depending on what the doctors say."

Tyler nodded, not fully understanding the medical technology yet. He didn't know a lot about cancers, or chemotherapy radiation. As far as he knows, everything was the same from when he was alive. Making him feel that much more like an alien. "I might not make two years." Josh estimated his deadline, letting his hands fall free from Tyler's as he searched in his drawers in serve for something. Pulling out his probably last pack of cigarettes, getting his lighter and lighting it with so shame at all. "That caused it." Tyler confirmed, watching as the sick boy blew smoke out of his mouth and Inhaled more. "Anything could've caused-"

"We can since things like this, Joshua, these are what caused your cancer. Why are you smoking them still?" Tyler asked, his voice rising to a almost unnerving level. Josh still seemed unaffected towards him, seeing as he's not in the caring mood.

"I'm going to die anyways," Josh ran his hand threw his hair, a few loose hairs falling in his palm. "Might as well speed it up."

No, josh. Stop thinking like this, you're going to end up killing yourself. Tyler begged in his head, shaking the thought of it out.

"Death is inevitable but maybe there are other ways." Tyler's words opening up a whole new outlook for Josh, like a door opening and showing him what he thinks he wants to choose. Even though it's his mind making him believe he should.

Josh laid on his bed, letting his cancer stick go out and looking up at Tyler. "Lay with me?"

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