13-we dont deal with outsiders very well they say newcomers have a certain smell

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-2016, present day-

"Jordan, where did all the rare meats go?" Mrs.Dun asked the youngest son, her eyes scanning the freezer and then to her son. Jordan cocked his head and glanced at Josh for some unknown reason. "How should I know? I'm trying to be vegan." Jordan states, shoving a bite of pancake into his mouth. "Another phase? When's the rebellious goth phase due?" Mr.Dun commented, making Mrs.Dun scoff but laugh anyways. "I'm sure Josh already stole that phase." Jordan replied instantly, making Josh roll his eyes in slight annoyance. "Do you know what's in pancakes?" Josh smirked, standing up and placing his hands on either side of Jordan's shoulders. "Dairy. From cows, dumbass." Josh whispered the last part before sprinting away to get his backpack.

"Mom! Josh said ass!" Jordan blurted out. Making their mother gasp and look at her husband. "I only heard you say it." Mr.Dun stated, making Josh burst out with a quick "ohh!" In victory. "But I know you said it, Joshua, grounded for a week. When you come home from school you go straight to you room, ya' hear?" Usually Josh would sighed deeply and roll his eyes, like any other punished teenager. He only smirked and nodded his head. "Understood, sir. See you guys after school." Josh said before grabbing his keys and heading out to his dodge car.

"He's hiding something." Jordan stated out loud in front of his parents. "Hush, and eat your breakfast."

"Mom! Dairy products!"


"What the fuck is up, my man!" Brendon pulled Josh into the worlds tightest- and gayest hug known to man. Josh has been having the same off and on headaches all morning, right now he is in 4th- and last period which is Chemistry. He turned in his project results that he didn't do and in return gave Patrick Stump a twenty dollar bill for doing it for him. "Nothing, I just want to get home. I might be going out tonight with somebody, but I don't know yet." Josh smiled, thinking about the pretty blue haired girl he'd asked to hang out with. "Yeah, yeah, you know she's a lesbian right?" Brendon stated after throwing a wad of paper in Felix's direction, hitting him in the face as he was zoned out in cloud nine. He was baked, as always. "Why does nobody tell me these things?" Josh hung his head back and grunted in annoyance. He looked over to Brendon who was trying to hit Felix with a pencil, the boy with the forehead stopped and started to get interested in the conversation he was having. Brendon always had the thought of Josh Dun being just a little bit homo, but the red head never came out of the closet- yet.

"Maybe start looking for a different type of friend?" Brendon suggest with a sly smirk and keeping his eyes on Josh as the shorter boy gave him the weirded out look. "If you're hitting on me then I'm going to hit on you- with my car after school. I'm not gay, Brendon, at least I don't think I am? I've only kissed a girl so I'm not so sure how guys feel to me." Josh said honestly, the conversation was reminding him of other night when him and Tyler were talking about Sam and being gay, he was indeed very interested in rather or not Josh had kissed another boy. "I gotcha, meet me at the gym lockers after school." Brendon smiled, Josh arching his brow once again. "I'll run you over, don't you dare kiss me." Josh blurted out, a blush spreading across his face as he came to realize that he said that too loud for his liking. "I never said that, I said meet me in the gym lockers after school, at- lets say 3:15?" Brendon suggested and Josh- as suspecting as he was, he nodded and agreed.

There was another hour of school left and Josh just wanted to ditch everything, ditch Brendon, ditch Ashley, and just see Tyler again. It gave him a high of adrenalin to do something that was unknown of or kept secret. Does this make him crazy? Is Tyler even real? I'm mean, he's dead of course, but can anybody else see him or is it really just Josh's imagination becoming more and more dangerous. A vampire? Really?

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