28- i asked "am i alive and well or am i dreaming dead?"

352 17 11

-Josh's p.o.v-

When I woke up I was expecting to be tied down unable to move, but I was on a couch in a house I didn't recognize. I sat up, my head hurt so much. My wrist stung where Tyler had bit me, adding more discomfort. I looked around and saw the door was wide open, it led to another room so I got up. I would've kept walking but my head felt dizzy and I fell to the floor. A loud bump echoed after the fall and I just stayed there holding my head.

"Good morning." Gerard's voice soothes in the most disturbed way, he walked into the living room with a book and pen in his hand, looking at me like nothing at happened. "Where am I?" I breathed out, sitting up from the floor. I was shaking due to the anxiety bubbling up in my chest but Gerard didn't notice. "You're far away from Ohio, Josh, but don't worry I'm not going to hurt you if you do as I tell you."

I stared blankly at him, not sure of what to actually say. I'm not in Ohio? Where did he take me? I kept wondering where Tyler was the whole time, did he know I'm not there? At that moment a tear rolled down myself, but I wasn't crying. "What do I have to do?" I asked, Gerard always seemed harmless, a little intimidating, but harmless. Tonight's actions proved otherwise but he still had the innocent acted to a tea.

"All you have to do is sit, shut up, and wait." Gerard instructed, sitting in the chair beside me and looked at the time. "It's been a hour and a half, so make yourself comfortable."

I kept my distance, stealing a glare from him every now and then until he got up and left from the front door. It was unlocked, meaning I can leave freely. I didn't know where I was, nor where he was going. I stood up, not falling this time as I peeked out the window. The vampire was long gone, meaning he might not notice until he comes back.

I opened the door, letting the fresh air fill my lungs before stepping out. I would like to say that I escaped, that I found Tyler and we went back home safely but the weight that pinned me to the wall said otherwise.  "Joshy, I told you to say. I can't leave for five minutes can I?" Gerard's face was closer than what felt safe, his body almost forcefully against mine as I groaned at the sudden movement. The vampire smirked. "Joshy." Gerard whispered in my ear, it sent me chills as my breath hitched. "You need to learn just what will happen if you disobey me." The demon growled, I started feeling his lips on my neck. Shamefully giving me pleasure as he kissed it, I didn't want this. "Please, stop." I whimpered, I felt powerless compared to him.

Suddenly I felt two needle type teeth resting on the surface of my skin, he pushed down but they didn't bite me. He raised up. "Don't disobey me." Gerard then drug me to another room, this one was a bedroom. He threw me on the bed and in seconds my hands were tied to the headboard.

I started kicking at him until he stood up and got off me, I glared at him but he wasn't phased. "I tried to let you go around freely, I really did, but you asked for this so stop your fucking whining." Gerard spat, turning on the lamp beside me. My eyes scanned the room and felt the rope that held my hands above me. My head seemed to increase in pain as time went by, it felt like it was going to explode. "How about you go fuck yourself." I breathed out, watching Gerard's expression go from nonchalant to a twisted smirk.

At the speed of light he was back on top of me, I let out a yelp of shock. My stomach did flips in the worst way possible, I refused to look at him. His hands starts traveling up my shirt and making me arch my back. "If I wanted to do that then I'd just go to you, babyboy. Tyler won't be here for a while anyways."

"Get off me! I'll be quiet just get up!" I shouted, giving in and feeling the weight of the vampire lift off of my body. I sighed, still refusing eye contact. "Shame. It would've been fun." Then he left to the other room.

It was an hour later until I woke up from sobbing myself to sleep, my wrists hurt along with my head. I'm starting to think something bad is happening up there. It doesn't matter now because I don't know where the fuck I'm at. If I die here then probably nobody will find my body, that's just fucking perfect isn't it?

"Here eat up." Gerard demanded, putting a Ramon Noodle cup on the nightstand. I glare at him. "Are you fucking kidding me? I'm tied up, I can't." I huff, rolling my eyes and looked out of the little window. I felt metal bush my skin before my hands fell down beside me, I looked up at Gerard ad back at my hands. "Thanks." I muttered, raising up to get a few feet away from him. I didn't want him to touch me, look at me, or just be around me in general. I wanted Tyler, but he's not here.

"Your head hurts, doesn't it?" The vampire asked.

I nod my head, still avoiding his gaze like the plague. "You're not in good health, Josh, I don't want to kill you when you're already so close. I'm sure Tyler told you?" Gerard asked, he wasn't sounding friendly. It was like he knew exactly what was happening. He did, but I didn't and that was the scary part.

I shook my head, letting the thoughts go in one ear and out the other. I didn't want to hear about death. "Tyler would've told me something, I'm not dying you dumbfuck."

"Sure, that's why you're eyes are red and glassy, right? How about your skin? You're awfully pale to be considered 'alive'." Gerard nagged, his voice rung like an annoying alarm at five-am. I took the moment to look in the mirror in front of the bed frame.

"You're hair might've grown back some after stopping chemo, but does that really mean anything?" He kept asking questions, and they all burned into my brain. He knew he was getting to me, he knew the effects this took on me. I shot him a glare in defense. "Stop that! You can't get into my head!" I plugged my ears, his smirk grew on his smug face. "If I'm dying then tell me when I'm going to die? You can do that!" I shot back, I stood up and looked Gerard in the eyes. Standing in front of the vampire, ready to face any beating he would give me. There is a certain level of ignorance that I hate to endure, Gerard has crossed it.

"Oh! You misheard me, Josh. I didn't say you were dying, I said that you were already dead." 

"That's bullshit-"

Knock knock knock

Gerard glared at me to stay put, his hand on my mouth until he pulled away an slammed me on the bed. My spine hit the metal frame, sending pain coursing though my bones. "Dick." I muttered under my breath.

-nobody's p.o.v-

Gerard left the bedroom after Josh was put into place, the vampires smirk weakened as he reached the door. The smell of the person knocking angered him but excited him in the same way. It was a weird feeling.

The door creaked open from Gerard's side, he pushed it forward and saw a taller demon with brown hair.

"Have fun with Mikey, you son of a bitch." And with that Tyler used his strength to slam him wight onto the older vampire.


Cursing vampire Tyler? Like it? No? Oh well.
Ignore grammar?? I have caught a summer cold and feel like absolute ass.

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