5- i mean, you can either be my fren, or die. no pressure.

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Omfg guys look! It's a chapter! I kinda just came up with the ending of this story and now I'm happy and inspired, so, yeah. Chapters are fun.


"Joshy, you can't leave us! Who is gonna have tea parties with us?" Abigail pouted, her hair in pigtails with a frilly blue tutu on her waists. Her blue tutu matched her twins' pink one, it was rather cute honestly. Ashley was sat at their small, little play table with all of the stuffed animals in four chairs, leaving three open seats.

I looked at the two of them and plopped my gym bag down on the carpet, kneeling down and pulling my little sister closer to me.

"Hey, look at me, it's only two days and when I come back we will have the best tea party ever!" Abigail laughed and hugged me around my neck, Ashley got up from her seat and joined in. My heart warmed up because it's just something about my sisters looking up to me that makes me feel like I have to be a good person, for them.

"But what if you don't come back?" Ashley sniffed and looked at me, she had my eyes.

"Don't talk like that, positivity is always the answer. Like I said, we will have the best tea party. Like, it'll be so awesome the Queen of England would want to join." They laughed, in results into me laughing. Even though they are little kids they still seem to make me happy no matter what. I think siblings have that effect, except Jordan, he's a douche.

"Alright, Josh. You can go, we give you permission." Abigail piped up, making me burst with little giggles.

"Thank you, Abbs and Ashley. See you in two days, mark it on the calendar. I love you, girls." I stood upright, grabbing my bag once more and felt four arms wrap around my waist again.

"Bye, bubba! We love you, too."


"Dude, you are not taking my camera!" Jordan demanded, standing up from his beanbag and looking at me, he was taller by three inches but that doesn't scare me. He basically has the strength of a fly.

"Dude, yes I am. And if you say no again I'm telling mom that you're the one who totaled dads' motorcycle." I pushed him away, walking down the hall with the camera bag in my hand as I did so. I earned a very annoyed sigh from Jordan, leaving me to claim victory.

During the time I finalized packing for my two day camping trip I started texting Felix.


Josh: have you guys left yet?

Felix: yeah, we are buying drinks and shit at Walmart and then we are on our way to pick up the birthday bitch.

Josh: good. Tell me when your here please.

Felix: duh. We ain't gonna just drive by and be like "aye, birthday boy, catch up!"

Felix: actually...

Felix: we might now.


I stopped texting and finished bagging my cameras and EVPs, making sure to pack absolutely everything I'll need.

I walked downstairs to my mom and dad in the kitchen, dad was on his laptop and mom was cooking dinner for the rest of the family, even though it was 5pm and the sun was still up. Oh well, don't argue with moms logic, she'd probably dose you with Benadryl.

"Mom, dad, they are on their way so I'm gonna wait on the porch." I spoke setting my bags down once again to hug my family.

"Alright, baby, make sure to stay safe. I don't like this whole ghost hunting thing, so just be safe." Mom hugged me, tightly, she pulled away only for me to breath in sharply.

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